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Metrosep A Supp 16 - 100/4.0

Metrosep A Supp 16 - 100/4.0


  • Överblick över funktioner
  • Tekniska specifikationer
  • Kromatogram

The Metrosep A Supp 16 is a high capacity separation column based on a surface-functionalized polystyrene-divinylbenzene copolymer. The functional groups are bonded covalently. The morphology of the anion exchanger results in unique selectivity. In addition, this column type is noteworthy for its high mechanical and chemical resilience.

The column is well-suited to applications with a high ionic load but which require only relatively low resolution. Using the Metrosep A Supp 16 - 100/4.0 to determine bromate in water by means of the triiodide method (EPA 326, DIN EN ISO 11206) is another of its numerous applications.

Lär känna mer Metrosep A Supp 16 - 100/4.0

The column program 2021

The column program 2021

Leaflet for Metrosep A Supp 16 - xxx/4.0, German, English, French, Spanish

Leaflet for Metrosep A Supp 16 - xxx/4.0, German, English, French, Spanish



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