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Metrosep C 6 - 150/2.0

Metrosep C 6 - 150/2.0


  • Överblick över funktioner
  • Tekniska specifikationer
  • Kromatogram

The high-capacity C 6 material makes the microbore version of the Metrosep C 6 - 150/4.0 column the optimum solution for separating standard cations with high differences in concentration with reasonable retention times. Drinking water with low ammonium contents can be determined with this column.

The column is suitable for use in IC-MS coupling.

Lär känna mer Metrosep C 6 - 150/2.0

The column program 2021

The column program 2021

Flyer: Metrosep C 6 – Analysis of seawater, brackish water and brine water made easy

Flyer: Metrosep C 6 – Analysis of seawater, brackish water and brine water made easy



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