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NIRS DS2500 Polyol Analyzer

NIRS DS2500 Polyol Analyzer


/ 5.0
12 Reviews på SelectScience
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Robust, near-infrared spectroscopy for quality control of polyols, not only in laboratories, but also in production environments.

The NIRS DS2500 Polyol Analyzer is the tried and tested, flexible solution for quality control and routine analysis of polyols and is compliant with the standards ASTM D6342-12 and ISO 15063:2011. Its robust design makes the NIRS DS2500 Polyol Analyzer resistant to dust, moisture, and vibrations, which means that it is highly suitable for use in harsh production environments.

The NIRS DS2500 Polyol Analyzer covers the full spectral range from 400 to 2,500 nm, heats samples up to 80 °C, and delivers accurate results in less than one minute. The NIRS DS2500 Polyol Analyzer is ready for immediate use through pre-calibration for polyols and, thanks to its simple operation, supports users in their day-to-day routine tasks.

Lär känna mer NIRS DS2500 Polyol Analyzer

Brochure: DS2500 Liquid Analyzer – Near-infrared spectroscopy system for liquid samples

Brochure: DS2500 Liquid Analyzer – Near-infrared spectroscopy system for liquid samples

Brochure: DS2500 Analyzer – Boosting efficiency in the QC laboratory with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)

Brochure: DS2500 Analyzer – Boosting efficiency in the QC laboratory with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)


DS2500 Analysatorer

Kompakt och stabil: Nära-infraröda spektrometrar för snabb och kostnadseffektiv kvalitetskontroll och rutinscreening av flytande eller fasta prover.
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