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889 IC Sample Center

889 IC Sample Center


/ 5.0
2 Reviews på SelectScience
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The 889 IC Sample Center is a robust Autosampler for high sample throughput, optimized for the challenges of the modern analytic laboratory. It works in accordance with the x-y-z principle and a syringe control with high resolution for precise sample injection. A double needle system enables the penetration of vessel caps and septa. A PEEK injection valve completes the automation system of the 889 IC Sample Center. It is the appropriate automation solution when you have only a very small amount of sample.

Lär känna mer 889 IC Sample Center

Brochure: MagIC Net 4.2

Brochure: MagIC Net 4.2

Automation in Ion Chromatography - Save time and money through automated sample preparation and analysis

Automation in Ion Chromatography - Save time and money through automated sample preparation and analysis


Automatisering för jonkromatografi

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