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851 Titrando with generator electrode with diaphragm

851 Titrando with generator electrode with diaphragm


/ 5.0
75 Reviews på SelectScience
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Coulometer including generator electrode with diaphragm and 801 Magnetic Stirrer.

Coulometry is the ideal method for water content determination in liquids, solids, and gases when it comes to water content determination in the trace range (10 µg to 10 mg absolute water). In addition, coulometry is an absolute method and thus no titer determination is necessary.

Coulometric titrations are carried out easily and quickly with the 851 Titrando.

Recommended measuring range: 10 µg - 200 mg absolute water

For use with OMNIS Software, tiamo software, or Touch Control unit. Compliance with GMP/GLP and FDA regulations such as 21 CFR Part 11, if required