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Eco Coulometer with generator electrode without diaphragm

Eco Coulometer with generator electrode without diaphragm


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The Eco Coulometer with integrated magnetic stirrer and touch-sensitive display is ideal for water content determination in the 10 µg to 200 mg absolute water range. Predefined methods enable a smooth and easy instrument start-up. In addition to GLP-compliant printouts on paper or as PDFs, the Eco Coulometer also offers the option of being able to connect balances or send determination data to a PC via PC / LIMS reports. Indicator electrode and generator electrode without diaphragm are included in the scope of delivery.

Coulometry is the ideal method for water content determination in the trace range in liquids, solids and gases. In addition, coulometry is an absolute method making titer determination unnecessary.

Lär känna mer Eco Coulometer with generator electrode without diaphragm

Brochure: Eco Coulometer

Brochure: Eco Coulometer

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Utrustning Din Eco Coulometer with generator electrode without diaphragmdownload Scope of delivery and opt. parts (PDF)
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