- 8.000.6104USP Monograph Modernization Initiative: Chemical Medicines Assay by Potentiometric Titration
This poster presented jointly with USP at AAPS meeting shows the new potentiometric titration assay method for potassium bicarbonate and potassium carbonate assay which offers selectivity and fulfills all USP method validation requirements as per USP General Chapter < 1225>. Potentiometric titration based assay determination is faster and easy to use compared to the chromatographic techniques and can be easily automated to fulfill high throughput needs. Autotitration combined with appropriate equivalence point detection methods not only eliminates manual errors, but fulfills data integrity and 21 CFR 11 requirements, which makes the pharmaceutical QA/QC workflow easier.
- 8.000.6109USP Modernization Initiative: Iodide Assay by Ion Chromatography
Potassium iodide (KI) is used to treat overactive thyroid and to protect the thyroid gland from the effects of radiation from inhaled or swallowed radioactive iodine. Currently, in the USP Potassium Iodide Monograph, iodide identification is performed by wet chemistry and assay by manual titration, which has a history of reduced precision and accuracy. As part of USP’s global monograph modernization initiative, an alternative selective and sensitive method was developed and validated – ion chromatography (IC). The proposed IC method can also be used for the identification test as an alternative to wet chemistry.
- AN-C-197Potassium assay in potassium citrate and citric acid oral solution
Potassium citrate and citric acid oral solutions act as systemic alkalizers. Potassium assays, validated per USP <621> and <1225>, use IC with L76 cation-exchange columns.
- AN-C-198Calcium acetate assay in calcium acetate capsules
The assay of calcium acetate, often used as a phosphate binder for dialysis patients, can be performed with ion chromatography (IC) as per USP <621> and <1225>.
- AN-S-375Fluoride in sodium fluoride for pharmaceutical use
Dental care products often contain sodium fluoride as an active ingredient. Manufacturers use the United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary (USP-NF) Monograph «Sodium Fluoride» to quantify sodium fluoride and its anionic contaminants chloride and acetate in these products. The validated USP method proposes ion chromatography (IC) with suppressed conductivity detection to carry out the fluoride assay as well as the impurity determination in a single chromatogram.
- AN-S-376Fluoride in sodium fluoride gel for pharmaceutical use
Sodium fluoride gel for pharmaceutical use needs to comply with USP requirements. The actual monograph (USP 42) uses two different methods for the identification and the assay. Ion chromatography allows the analysis of these two parameters in one single determination. In the course of the USP monograph modernization, this ion chromatographic approach makes this type of analysis even easier.
- AN-S-379Fluoride in sodium fluoride tablets for pharmaceutical use
Sodium fluoride tablets for pharmaceutical use need to comply with U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) requirements. Ion chromatography (IC) with suppressed conductivity detection has been approved by the USP as a validated method to quantify fluoride content in sodium fluoride tablets. In the course of the USP monograph modernization, using automated IC makes this type of analysis even easier.
- AN-S-380Monofluorophosphate and fluoride in sodium monofluorophosphate for pharmaceutical use
Ion chromatography (IC) with suppressed conductivity detection has been approved by the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) as a validated method to quantify the monofluorophosphate (MFP) content in sodium monofluorophosphate. This Application Note shows that all acceptance criteria for the USP Monograph «Sodium Monofluorophosphate» are fulfilled and the procedure was approved as a validated USP method.
- AN-S-397IC assay for sodium chloride in sodium chloride tablets for solution
As an alternative to titration, ion chromatography (IC) with suppressed conductivity detection has been approved by USP as validated method to quantify chloride content in NaCl tablets for solution or oral use.
- AN-S-399IC assay for fluoride in sodium fluoride and acidulated phosphate topical solution
Anticavity pharmaceuticals like sodium fluoride and acidulated phosphate topical solution products require strict quality control. This Application Note outlines the fluoride IC assay as described in the USP Monograph Sodium Fluoride and Acidulated Phosphate Topical Solution.
- AN-S-400Assay of nitrite in sodium nitrite
In severe cases of cyanide poisoning, sodium nitrite is used along with sodium thiosulfate for treatment. This Application Note describes the nitrite ion chromatography assay with the Metrosep A Supp 4 column and suppressed conductivity detection. This column equivalency study was in cooperation with the USP according to the USP General Chapter <621>.
- WP-063Recommendations for converting a manual titration procedure into an automated titration procedure
This white paper summarizes the steps involved in converting an existing manual titration procedure to semi-automated or automated titration procedures. It discusses topics such as selecting the right electrode and titration mode. For a better understanding, the discussion topics are illustrated with three examples.
- WP-068Recommendations for titration methods validation
The objective of validation of an analytical procedure is to demonstrate that it is suitable for its intended purpose. Recommendations for the validation of analytical methods can be found in ICH Guidance Q2(R1) Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology and in USP General Chapter <1225> Validation of Compendial Procedures. The goal of this white paper is to provide some recommendations for the validation of titration methods.