- 8.000.6053Trace-level determination of perfluorinated compounds in water by suppressed ion chromatography with inline matrix elimination
This poster describes a simple and sensitive method for the determination of perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in water samples by suppressed conductivity detection. Separation was achieved by isocratic elution on a reversed-phase column thermostated at 35 °C using an aqueous mobile phase containing boric acid and acetonitrile. The PFOA and PFOS content in the water matrix was quantified by direct injection applying a 1000 μL loop. For the concentration range of 2 to 50 μg/mL and 10 to 250 μg/mL, the linear calibration curve for PFOA and PFOS yielded correlation coefficients (R) of 0.99990 and 0.9991, respectively. The relative standard deviations were smaller than 5.8%.The presence of high concentrations of mono and divalent anions such as chloride and sulfate has no significant influence on the determination of the perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS). In contrast, the presence of divalent cations, such as calcium and magnesium, which are normally present in water matrices, impairs PFOS recovery. This drawback was overcome by applying Metrohm`s Inline Cation Removal. While the interfering divalent cations are exchanged for non-interfering sodium cations, PFOA and PFOS are directly transferred to the sample loop. After inline cation removal, PFAS recovery in water samples containing 350 mg/mL of Ca2+ and Mg2+ improved from 90…115% to 93…107%.While PFAS determination of low salt-containing water samples is best performed by straightforward direct-injection IC, water rich in alkaline-earth metals are best analyzed using Metrohm`s Inline Cation Removal.
- AN-CIC-001Halogens in high-viscosity oils using Combustion IC
Determination of chloride and sulfate (non-quantified) in a high-viscosity oil sample using combustion digestion and subsequent anion chromatography with conductivity detection following sequential suppression.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-002Halogens and sulfur in residual solvent using Combustion IC
Determination of fluoride, chloride, bromide and sulfate in residual solvent using combustion digestion as sample preparation and subsequent anion chromatography with conductivity detection following sequential suppression. The analysis is significant for use in dividing waste products into non-halogenated and halogenated solvents.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-003Chlorine, bromine and sulfur in low-density polyethylene (ERM®-EC680k) using Combustion IC
The determination of halogens and sulfur in waste products is important. The inline combination of the Mitsubishi Combustion Module with the Metrohm IC is a suitable method for this type of samples. The recovery rates are analyzed with a certified reference material, e.g., a low-density polyethylene (LDPE).Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-004Total and leachable concentration of halogens and sulfur in latex gloves using Combustion Ion Chromatography and a leaching test
Latex gloves are used in clean room environments in order to prevent contaminations. The use of gloves that release corrosive halogenides or sulfate is forbidden in nuclear power plants. The total content of halogen and sulfur is determined by means of Combustion Ion Chromatography. An eluate test is carried out to check the elutable percentage of halogens and sulfate from gloves. Sample preparation is comprised of preconcentration and matrix elimination (MiPCT-ME), as described in AN-S-304.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-005Iodine in a pharmaceutical product using Combustion Ion Chromatography with Inline Matrix Elimination
The iodine content in numerous iodized X-ray contrast media (ICM) is around 50% and is determined with great accuracy using Combustion Ion Chromatography. Large quantities of H2O2 (1,000 mg/L) are required for complete absorption of the iodine. Similarly, the concentration of the internal standard should be 50 mg/L. The water content of the X-ray contrast media is determined by means of Metrohm's Karl Fischer oven method and incorporated in the final calculation.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-006Recovery rates of chloride, bromide and sulfate in certified reference materials using Metrohm Combustion Ion Chromatography
Combustion Ion Chromatography combines pro-hydrolytic sample combustion and the absorption of emerging combustion gases in an oxidizing, aqueous solution that is then channeled to an ion chromatograph for the analysis of halogenides and sulfur (as sulfate). The combustion and analysis of the certified reference materials (ZRM) makes clear the reliability of Metrohm Combustion Ion Chromatography.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-007Analysis of a standard mixed in liquid using Metrohm Combustion IC
This application describes the determination of fluoride, chloride, bromide and sulfur (as sulfate) in an ethanol standard solution with halo organic (4-halogen benzoic acids; F, Cl and Br) and sulfur organic compounds (3-(Cyclohexylamino)-1-propanesulfonic acid) by means of Metrohm Combustion Ion Chromatography with flame sensor and Inline Matrix Elimination.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-008Fluorine in polyisobutene using Metrohm Combustion IC
Polyisobutene (PIB) is an important raw material for a large range of products. Quality control requires the determination of the fluorine content. This task is easily done by Metrohm Combustion IC applying flame sensor technology and Inline Matrix Elimination.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-009Chloride and sulfur in cyclohexane using Metrohm Combustion IC
Cyclohexane is an important organic solvent. Recycled cyclohexane must be tested for trace substances, e.g., chloride and sulfate. Metrohm Combustion Ion Chromatography with flame sensor and Inline Matrix Elimination is the method of choice.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-010Halogens in a polymer sample applying Metrohm Combustion IC according to IEC 60754
The Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) requires to reduce the halogen content in several organic materials used in electrical and electronic equipment. In this context, there is a huge interest for using halogen-free polymers. To check for halogens in polymers according to standard IEC 60754, Metrohm Combustion IC applying flame sensor technology and Inline Matrix Elimination is an indispensable method. The examined polymeric material contains halogens at a level of up to 1%.
- AN-CIC-011Analysis of an ion exchanger using Metrohm Combustion IC
The manufacture of ultrapure water for the pharmaceuticals industry or the semiconductor industry requires high-quality ion exchangers. Metrohm Combustion Ion Chromatography is an indispensable tool in this connection for testing the purity of anion exchange material. The output sample was wet and had to be dried at 105 °C in a special oven with waste air evacuation.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-012Halogens and sulfur in clay using Metrohm Combustion IC
Clay is used for the manufacture of roofing tiles. Quality controls during this process require the determination of halogen and sulfur content. This is ideally accomplished using Metrohm Combustion IC. With this method, the sulfur is determined as sulfate and the halogens as halogenides. Because clay often contains high contents of alkali and earth alkali metal ions that attack the pyrolysis tube, tungsten oxide is added prior to combustion.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-013Analysis of certified liquefied gas using Metrohm Combustion IC
This Application Note looks at the determination of fluorine and sulfur in certified liquefied gas using Metrohm Combustion IC. Sequential determinations proceed in parallel to a certain extent: While the absorption solution of a sample that has already been combusted is being analyzed with IC, the combustion of the next sample is already underway.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-014Chloride traces in the wax fraction of crude oil distillation using Metrohm Combustion IC
Paraffin and lubricating oils are yielded from the wax fraction of raw oil distillation. The chloride content of both should be low. This Application Note describes chloride determination after inline combustion. Although it does not happen in this application, this method can also be used to quantify the sulfur content.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-015Test of basic material for printed circuit boards for absence of halogens using Metrohm Combustion IC
The EU directive for limiting the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic devices and IEC 61249-2-21 define limit values for halogen contents in materials that are used in electronics. Metrohm Combustion IC with ion chromatography determination permits precise, rapid and automated halogen determination in raw materials that are used in printed circuit boards according to IEC 61189-2.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-016Halogen traces in coal with the Metrohm Combustion IC
The burning of coal contaminates the atmosphere with halogens. Fluorine and chlorine are natural components of coal, whereas the bromide that is found therein is often adulterated as calcium bromide in order to reduce mercury emissions. This Application Note shows the results of combustion digestion with Combustion IC for three coal samples, each with a different bromide content.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-018Halogens in liquefied gas with Metrohm Combustion IC and LPG/GSS module for sampling
This Note addresses the determination of the fluorine and chlorine content of a liquefied gas sample (LPG, Liquid Petroleum Gas), i.e. halogens in a mixture of propane and butane. Fluorine originates from perfluorobutane and chlorine from methyl chloride. LPG/GSS modules are used to introduce 50 µL of sample into the combustion system. The halogens released during combustion are determined using ion chromatography with intelligent partial loop injection technique following Inline Matrix Elimination.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-019Halogens in palm oil with Metrohm Combustion IC
Palm oil is a vegetable oil that is used not only in the food industry but also for the manufacture of soaps and body care products. It is furthermore an important raw material for the generation of biodiesel. Depending on the degree of refinement, palm oil can be red, reddish or even colorless in appearance. The carotenes responsible for the color are removed during refinement and the oil becomes increasingly clear. In this Note, the chlorine and sulfur content of various palm oils are determined using Combustion IC.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-020Fluorine in coal sample applying Metrohm Combustion IC
Coal contains a certain amount of fluorine, chlorine, and sulfur compounds. During combustion of the coal, these components release corrosive acids (e.g., fluorine compounds form hydrofluoric acid). Thermal power plants therefore request low-fluorine coal to avoid massive hydrofluoric acid production. In this application note, fluorine content in coal is determined by ion chromatography after pyrohydrolysis.
- AN-CIC-021Halogen and sulfur in chlorinated and brominated halobutyl rubber applying Combustion IC
Halobutyl rubber is frequently used in the production of pharmaceutical stoppers. It is ideal for this application due to its low permeability to gases and its chemical resistance. Chlorinated and brominated butyl rubber stoppers are analyzed for their halogen and sulfur content. Halogen and sulfur compounds are released by pyrohydrolysis and analyzed by subsequent ion chromatography (IC).
- AN-CIC-027Halogens in polymer by Combustion Ion Chromatography
Polymer materials that are used for building and decoration purposes need to be flame resistant. To reach the required level of resistance flame-retardants are added to the plain polymer. Flame-retardants are often haloorganic compounds. The use of such components and the respective concentration of introduced halogens can be determined by Combustion IC. The recovery over the full system is tested with acertified reference material (CRM).
- AN-CIC-028Fluorine and chlorine in iron ore by Combustion Ion Chromatography
Iron ore is an important resource for steel production. Its natural content of halogens is a quality characteristic due to the corrosiveness of the respective halogenides. Combustion IC applying the sacrificial vial technology is used for the analysis of fluorine and chlorine in ore. WO3 usually is added to improve the release of SO2 and therefore sulfur recovery. In this application, it also significantly improves the recovery of fluoride.
- AN-CIC-029Organic halides in crude oil
Crude oil typically contains no organic halides. These are introduced at production sites, in pipelines, or in storage tanks. These components produce HF, HCl, and other acids in reforming and hydro-treating processes, leading to corrosion and catalyst poisoning. Speciation of the halides is an important parameter to measure in order to trace the contamination source. The current specifications expect to find less than 2 mg/kg organic chlorine in crude oil. Sulfur in crude oil could be quantified on the fly. Due to the specific request in this application, only the halogens are determined.
- AN-CIC-030Fluorine determination from fluorochemicals in fabrics applying Combustion IC
In textiles, the water-repelling effect may be introduced by different treatments, such as the application of fluorochemicals. These compounds, especially perfluoroorganic substances, are extremely persistent in the environment and are therefore listed as emergent contaminants. Combustion IC with pyrohydrolysis and subsequent ion chromatographic determination is applied to analyze the fluorine content in fabrics.
- AN-CIC-032Chloride as an indicator of residual solvent presence in cellulose ester-based foil
Cellulose ester foils are produced using chlorinated solvents. The residual amount of the solvent used in production evaporates within a few days in ambient conditions. The residual solvent is determined by combustion IC, through the conversion of organically bound chlorine to chloride by pyrohydrolysis. The final product needs to be free of all chlorinated solvents. Therefore, critical contents of such compounds can be detected in quality control analysis. Application of MiPT in this study has enabled an automated and precise calibration out of a single standard.
- AN-CIC-033Monitoring PFASs in water sources
AOF (adsorbable organic fluorine) is used to screen for per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances in aqueous matrices via pyrohydrolytic combustion and ion chromatography.
- AN-CIC-034Fast analysis of AOX in waters by CIC
Combustion ion chromatography (CIC) measures AOX (adsorbable organically bound halogens, i.e., AOCl, AOBr, AOI) and AOF as well as CIC AOX(Cl) according to DIN 38409-59 and ISO/DIS 18127.
- AN-CIC-035Halogens and sulfur in solid samples according to EN 17813
Organic halides must be monitored in the environment. Combustion ion chromatography (CIC) is used for accurate halogen analysis in solids following EN 17813:2023.
- AN-NIR-056Quantification of five effective components in pesticides by visible near-infrared spectroscopy
This Application Note shows that visible near-infrared spectroscopy (Vis-NIRS) can be used for the quantification of five effective insecticide and herbicide components (Abamectin emulsifiable concentrate (EC), Emamectin EC, Cyhalothrin EC, Cypermethrin and Glyphosate) in pesticides. Vis-NIRS is an excellent alternative to conventional lab methods, saving both cost and time.
- AN-RS-003Identification of conventional organic solvents with handheld Raman spectrometers
This Application Note describes the rapid and non-destructive identification of conventional organic solvents using hand-held Raman spectrometers. Measurements with the handheld Raman spectrometer Mira M-1 require no sample preparation and provide immediate and unambiguous results.
- EB-003Ion chromatography for food and beverage analysis
Efficiently analyze food products with ion chromatography (IC). Discover its robust applications in quality control for beverages, food additives, and dairy.
- TA-052IC-ICP-MS analysis of iodized X-ray contrast media
On the basis of the experiments that have been performed, it is possible to determine the effectiveness of the ozonization of iodized X-ray contrast media using IC-ICP-MS via the amount of iodate formed. Whereas a 120-minute ozonization guarantees a practically quantitative decomposition of amidotrizoic acid to iodate, approximately 16% of the Iomeprol is still present under the same ozonization conditions. Given that only 14% is present in iodate form in the absence of iodide anions and given that additional, not yet identified peaks occur in the ion chromatogram, the presence of additional decomposition products containing iodine must be assumed. Nonetheless, it is not possible to detect the intact iodized X-ray contrast media with the selected ion chromatographic conditions. Furthermore, the possibility exists of identifying the peak of the unknown decomposition product of the Iomeprol using IC-ESI-TOF-MS.
- WP-078Adsorbable organic fluorine (AOF) for screening of PFAS in waters
Learn about PFAS, their impact on water quality, EU Directive 2020/2184, and the benefits of AOF measurement using combustion ion chromatography (CIC).
- WP-081Fast determination of AOX in waters according to DIN 38409-59
Monitor adsorbable organic halogens (AOX) in water using combustion ion chromatography (CIC) for precise analysis of AOCl, AOBr, AOI, and total AOX.