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884 Professional VA fully automated for VA

884 Professional VA fully automated for VA


/ 5.0
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Automated analysis system for high-performance, flexible trace determinations with voltammetry and polarography with the Multi-Mode Electrode pro or the scTRACE Gold. Comprising 884 Professional VA for MME, 919 IC Autosampler plus for VA, two 800 Dosinos, 843 Pump Station, measuring head for rotating disk electrodes, and extensive accessories. For sample series of up to 28 samples.

Determinations with rotating disc electrodes can also be performed with the MVA-22, e.g. determinations of organic additives in electroplating baths with "Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping" (CVS), "Cyclic Pulse Voltammetric Stripping" (CPVS), and chronopotentiometry (CP).

The viva software is required for control, data acquisition, and evaluation. PC, electrode set, and viva license need to be ordered separately.

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843 Membrane Pump Station for Professional VA/CVS systems
843 Membrane Pump Station for Professional VA/CVS systems
The 843 Membrane Pump Station enables the automatic rinsing and emptying of the measuring vessel in partly automated and fully automated Professional VA and CVS systems. It has two built-in membrane pumps that can be controlled via the remote signal.The versions for VA and CVS are equipped with the complete accessories for the automatic rinsing and emptying of the measuring vessel.
884 Professional VA semiautomated für Multi-Mode Electrode (MME) with 2 Dosinos
884 Professional VA semiautomated für Multi-Mode Electrode (MME) with 2 Dosinos
884 Professional VA semiautomated for Multi-Mode Electrode (MME) is a convenient high-end routine analyzer for trace determinations with voltammetry and polarography with the Multi-Mode Electrode pro or the scTRACE Gold. The proven Metrohm electrode methods in combination with a high-performance potentiostat/galvanostat and the extremely flexible viva software open up new perspectives for the determination of heavy metals. The potentiostat with a certified calibrator readjusts itself automatically before each measurement, thus guaranteeing maximum precision.Determinations with rotating disc electrodes can also be performed with the instrument, e.g. determinations of organic additives in electroplating baths with "Cyclic Voltammetric Stripping" (CVS), "Cyclic Pulse Voltammetric Stripping" (CPVS), and chronopotentiometry (CP). The replaceable measuring head enables rapid changes between the various applications with different electrodes.2x 800 Dosinos (supplied) permit the automatic addition of auxiliary solutions during the determination, e.g., electrolyte, buffer or standard solutions.The viva software is required for control, data collection, and evaluation.The 884 Professional VA semiautomated for Multi-Mode Electrode (MME) is supplied with extensive accessories and a measuring head for the Multi-Mode Electrode pro. Electrode set and viva license need to be ordered separately.  
919 IC Autosampler plus for VA
919 IC Autosampler plus for VA
The 919 IC Autosampler plus for VA is suitable for small sample series of fully automatic trace determinations of heavy metals using polarography and voltammetry together with Professional VA instruments and viva. The system is controlled directly by the viva software and permits automatic changes of method between different types of determinations. The sample rack supplied holds 28 samples with a maximum size of 10 mL.The 919 IC Autosampler plus for VA is supplied with accessories, sample rack, and connection cable so you can set up a complete workplace, although it does not come with rinsing equipment.  
Measuring vessel / 10-90 mL
Measuring vessel / 10-90 mL
Measuring vessel for automated VA systems. Dilution vessel for Advanced IC Sample Processor
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