- AN-PAN-1014Online determination of salt in crude oil by automated process analysis
This Process Application Note sheds light on the online monitoring of chloride in crude oil after desalting in order to check the desalting process efficiency and to overcome corrosion problems in downstream processes such as distillation. Chloride is analyzed with conductivity detection, as described in standard ASTM D3230.
- AN-PAN-1026Mercaptans and hydrogen sulfide in raw oil in accordance with ASTM D3227 and UOP163
Raw oil contains several percent by weight of sulfur compounds. They not only have an unpleasant smell, they are also environmentally harmful and corrosive which is why they must be largely removed during refining. The 2045TI Ex proof Analyzer with a flexible sample pretreatment system is to be found in a very wide variety of refinery applications. On the one hand, it monitors mercaptan and H2S content in accordance with ASTM D3227 and UOP163; on the other hand it can be used for the determination of ammonia, halogen and phenol content as well as for the bromide index, saponification and acid number. The analyzer fulfills EU Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX95) and is certified for Zones 1 and 2.