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"ProfIC 6 – Anion" – Professional IC System with Inline Dilution and Inline Ultrafiltration

"ProfIC 6 – Anion" – Professional IC System with Inline Dilution and Inline Ultrafiltration

ProfIC 6 - Anion

  • Обзор функций
  • Технические характеристики

The professional IC system with conductivity detection enables the fully automatic determination of anions that are present in very high concentrations and whose matrix contains particles. The "ProfIC 6" works with Metrohm Inline Dilution and Inline Ultrafiltration. With this system, it is possible to dilute the sample prior to the removal of bacteria or particles to such an extent that it can be analyzed.

Schematic diagram

Это оборудование снято с производства, но все еще поддерживается технически.
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