Process analysis applications
Metrohm offers titrators, ion chromatographs, near-infrared and Raman spectrometers, pH sensors, and XRF analyzers for online process analysis. Our application experts have compiled numerous documents on the application of our process analyzers in various industries, including food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, plating and galvanics.
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- AN-PAN-1067Online analysis of organic additives in copper plating process
Monitoring organic additives in copper plating baths is crucial. The 2060 CVS Process Analyzer optimizes copper electroplating by providing precise bath control.
- AN-PAN-1066Online analysis of cadmium in incineration plant wet gas scrubbers
Incineration flue gas requires treatment such as wet scrubbing. The 2060 VA Process Analyzer monitors heavy metals in the scrubbing water, ensuring compliance.
- AN-PAN-1065Inline monitoring of cell cultures with Raman spectroscopy
This Process Application Note presents a method to accurately monitor lactic acid and glucose inside a bioreactor in «real-time» with the 2060 Raman Analyzer from Metrohm Process Analytics.
- AN-PAN-1064Monitoring complexing agents in galvanic baths inline with Raman spectroscopy
Accurate analysis of complexing agents in galvanic baths is possible with inline Raman spectroscopy. This Application Note shows an example using a 2060 Raman Analyzer.
- WP-093Significant cost savings through dynamic ventilation during nitrification in wastewater treatment
This White Paper gives an overview of the energy-intensive nitrification process that converts ammonia into less harmful nitrogen compounds at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). It displays the results from a field test at a WWTP, showcasing the positive influence of single-method process analyzers on the efficiency of the nitrification process.
- AN-PAN-1052Online process monitoring of octane number during catalytic reforming
In refineries, high octane products are desired since they are used to produce premium gasoline. Catalytic reforming converts heavy naphtha into a high octane liquid product called reformate (a mixture of aromatics and iso-paraffins C7 to C10). The reformate must be constantly monitored to ensure high throughput along the refining process. Traditionally, the octane numbers can be measured by two different methodologies: Inferred Octane Models (IOM) and laboratory octane engine analysis. However, these do not provide «real-time» results and require constant maintenance and human intervention to adapt to current operation conditions. «Real-time» analysis of the octane number in fuels can be performed online via near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) technology, which fits well within the international standards (ASTM). Utilization of a Metrohm Process Analytics NIRS XDS Process Analyzer (ATEX version) in conjunction with a sample preconditioning system makes analysis of the octane number simple, fast, and reliable, allowing quick adjustments to the process for a better quality product and higher profitability.
- AN-PAN-1031Effectively monitoring hydrogen peroxide online in salmon farms
Salmon farms are becoming ever more popular. Strong population growth increases the demand for salmon which has an effect on their cultivation. Ever more fish live in limited space in open net cages. Parasites such as salmon lice can multiply quickly due to the high density of fish. One possibility of fighting the lice is to use baths with weak concentrations of H2O2. The salmon are treated in these concentrations for up to 20 minutes until the lice fall away and die. While it is true that hydrogen peroxide decomposes relatively quickly, it is nonetheless deadly for salmon in higher concentrations. The concentration must therefore always lie within the specifications during treatment. Our process analyzer requires less than two minutes per titration. This means that it permits more concentration determinations per treatment and always guarantees the correct dosage.
- AN-PAN-1036Online determination of alkalinity and hardness in process and make up water for beer production
Beer is a popular beverage consumed by millions of people for enjoyment, despite its humble beginnings as a water purification technique in pre-modern times. Brewing beer requires large amounts of water which must adhere to strict alkalinity, hardness, and pH parameters to ensure uniformity in flavor and appearance between each batch. Alkalinity is introduced by carbonates and hydroxides in water which raise and buffer the pH. Hardness, balanced to a large degree by the alkalinity, comes from Ca and Mg ions, mainly present as hydrogen carbonates. Depending on the concentration ranges, the 2035 Process Analyzer or the 2060 Process Analyzer are ideally suited for the fully automatic execution of these important analyses, as well as additional parameters like pH or conductivity. These process analyzers can signal the plant’s distribution system to correct the water chemistry, ensuring consistent product quality. In addition to alkalinity and water hardness, numerous other parameters can also be determined (pH, conductivity, etc.).
- AN-PAN-1032Monitoring corrosion in power plants with online process analysis
Corrosion in the water-steam circuit of power plants leads to shorter lifetimes of most metal components and potentially dangerous situations. Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) is a specific case, leading to thinned pipes and elevated Fe concentrations in the circuit. Additionally, metal transport issues such as with Cu from copper heat exchangers can lead to deposition on the high pressure turbine blades, decreasing their efficiency. Current methods can monitor but not prevent these issues, and analysis times are extremely long (up to three weeks). In combination with the power plant’s Distributed Control System (DCS), online monitoring of Fe and Cu with the 2060 Process Analyzer from Metrohm Process Analytics ensures that corrosion can be controlled before it affects the power plant efficiency, ultimately decreasing downtime and lowering maintenance costs. Results are offered within 20 minutes, allowing fast adjustments to the water-steam circuit to protect company assets.
- AN-PAN-1050Inline moisture analysis in fluid bed dryers by near-infrared spectroscopy
In the pharmaceutical industry, the fluid bed granulator/dryer is an integral point in the manufacture of powdered materials. Residual moisture must be kept within certain specifications to avoid fracturing of particles or caking (stickiness) of the bulk material. Current methods are slow and cumbersome, which can lead to damaged or degraded product. The ability to monitor the residual moisture content inline after drying is possible with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). The 2060 The NIR Analyzer offers fast, reagent-free, nondestructive analysis of residual moisture of powders with a fluid bed probe specifically designed for these applications.