874 Oven Sample Processor special vials
6 Reviews on SelectScience
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The 874 Oven Sample Processor is used for automatic thermal sample preparation in Karl Fischer titration. The oven method is particularly suitable for samples that do not release their water until higher temperatures have been reached, for sparingly soluble samples, or those that react with the KF reagent.
This instrument can be modified to match customer-specific sample vessels. Please contact your Metrohm representative for further information.
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Heating tube stopper
for coulometric KF vessels in connection with heatable tubing connection
Drying flask cap
Screw cap with GL 45 thread for the 6.1608.050 drying flask.
Drying bottle / 100 mL / GL 45
FEP tubing / M6 / 13 cm
With light and kink protection.
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