Combustion Module (Oven + ABD, AJ)
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The Combustion Module (Oven + ABD, AJ) enables sample digestion during pyrolysis and oxidation of all types of flammable samples. The Combustion Module consists of the combustion oven and the Auto Boat Driver (automatic sample introduction). Both are products made by Analytik Jena which have been optimized specially for coupling with ion chromatographs.
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Combustion tube (AJ)
Quartz combustion tube for the Combustion Module.
Guide tubing for ABD (old)
Guide tubing for Automatic Boat Driver of the Combustion Module (up to ABD serial number 1709 590).
Hook for ABD
Quartz glass hook for quartz glass boat in the Automatic Boat Driver of the Combustion Module.
Septum 12.5 mm
Septum for liquid sample port, 5 pcs.
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