Filtro de Aplicações
- 8.000.6053Trace-level determination of perfluorinated compounds in water by suppressed ion chromatography with inline matrix elimination
This poster describes a simple and sensitive method for the determination of perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in water samples by suppressed conductivity detection. Separation was achieved by isocratic elution on a reversed-phase column thermostated at 35 °C using an aqueous mobile phase containing boric acid and acetonitrile. The PFOA and PFOS content in the water matrix was quantified by direct injection applying a 1000 μL loop. For the concentration range of 2 to 50 μg/mL and 10 to 250 μg/mL, the linear calibration curve for PFOA and PFOS yielded correlation coefficients (R) of 0.99990 and 0.9991, respectively. The relative standard deviations were smaller than 5.8%.The presence of high concentrations of mono and divalent anions such as chloride and sulfate has no significant influence on the determination of the perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS). In contrast, the presence of divalent cations, such as calcium and magnesium, which are normally present in water matrices, impairs PFOS recovery. This drawback was overcome by applying Metrohm`s Inline Cation Removal. While the interfering divalent cations are exchanged for non-interfering sodium cations, PFOA and PFOS are directly transferred to the sample loop. After inline cation removal, PFAS recovery in water samples containing 350 mg/mL of Ca2+ and Mg2+ improved from 90…115% to 93…107%.While PFAS determination of low salt-containing water samples is best performed by straightforward direct-injection IC, water rich in alkaline-earth metals are best analyzed using Metrohm`s Inline Cation Removal.
- AN-CIC-001Halogênios em óleos de alta viscosidade usando CI de combustão
Determinação de cloreto e sulfato (não quantificado) em uma amostra de óleo de alta viscosidade usando digestão por combustão e subsequente cromatografia aniônica com detecção de condutividade após supressão sequencial. Palavra-chave: pirohidrólise
- AN-CIC-002Halogens and sulfur in residual solvent using Combustion IC
Determination of fluoride, chloride, bromide and sulfate in residual solvent using combustion digestion as sample preparation and subsequent anion chromatography with conductivity detection following sequential suppression. The analysis is significant for use in dividing waste products into non-halogenated and halogenated solvents. Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-003Chlorine, bromine and sulfur in low-density polyethylene (ERM®-EC680k) using Combustion IC
The determination of halogens and sulfur in waste products is important. The inline combination of the Mitsubishi Combustion Module with the Metrohm IC is a suitable method for this type of samples. The recovery rates are analyzed with a certified reference material, e.g., a low-density polyethylene (LDPE). Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-004Concentração total e lixiviável de halogênios e enxofre em luvas de látex usando cromatografia de íons de combustão e um teste de lixiviação
Luvas de látex são usadas em ambientes de salas limpas para evitar contaminações. O uso de luvas que liberem halogenetos ou sulfatos corrosivos é proibido em usinas nucleares. O teor total de halogênio e enxofre é determinado por meio de cromatografia de íons de combustão. Um teste de eluato é realizado para verificar a porcentagem eluível de halogênios e sulfato das luvas. A preparação da amostra é composta de pré-concentração e eliminação da matriz (MiPCT-ME), conforme descrito em AN-S-304. Palavra-chave: pirohidrólise
- AN-CIC-005Iodine in a pharmaceutical product using Combustion Ion Chromatography with Inline Matrix Elimination
The iodine content in numerous iodized X-ray contrast media (ICM) is around 50% and is determined with great accuracy using Combustion Ion Chromatography. Large quantities of H2O2 (1,000 mg/L) are required for complete absorption of the iodine. Similarly, the concentration of the internal standard should be 50 mg/L. The water content of the X-ray contrast media is determined by means of Metrohm's Karl Fischer oven method and incorporated in the final calculation. Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-006Recovery rates of chloride, bromide and sulfate in certified reference materials using Metrohm Combustion Ion Chromatography
Combustion Ion Chromatography combines pro-hydrolytic sample combustion and the absorption of emerging combustion gases in an oxidizing, aqueous solution that is then channeled to an ion chromatograph for the analysis of halogenides and sulfur (as sulfate). The combustion and analysis of the certified reference materials (ZRM) makes clear the reliability of Metrohm Combustion Ion Chromatography. Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-007Analysis of a standard mixed in liquid using Metrohm Combustion IC
This application describes the determination of fluoride, chloride, bromide and sulfur (as sulfate) in an ethanol standard solution with halo organic (4-halogen benzoic acids; F, Cl and Br) and sulfur organic compounds (3-(Cyclohexylamino)-1-propanesulfonic acid) by means of Metrohm Combustion Ion Chromatography with flame sensor and Inline Matrix Elimination. Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CIC-008Flúor em poliisobuteno usando Metrohm Combustion IC
O poliisobuteno (PIB) é uma matéria-prima importante para uma grande variedade de produtos. O controle de qualidade requer a determinação do teor de flúor. Essa tarefa é facilmente realizada pelo Metrohm Combustion IC aplicando tecnologia de sensor de chama e Eliminação de Matriz em Linha. Palavra-chave: pirohidrólise
- AN-CIC-009Chloride and sulfur in cyclohexane using Metrohm Combustion IC
Cyclohexane is an important organic solvent. Recycled cyclohexane must be tested for trace substances, e.g., chloride and sulfate. Metrohm Combustion Ion Chromatography with flame sensor and Inline Matrix Elimination is the method of choice. Keyword: pyrohydrolysis