- 410000053-AQuantitative Analysis of a Water-soluble Polymer Using the i-Raman EX Spectrometer
Quantitation of the functionalization of a water-soluble polymer was achieved using a portable Raman spectrometer. The Raman spectrum provides strong, unique bands for both the initial and fully reacted polymer. This enables development of a simple, robust quantitative analysis of the percent polymer functionalization. This method is now routinely used in a manufacturing plant's quality control laboratory.
- 410000054-ATechnical Note: Method Development with NanoRam®-1064
Although the process of building, validating and using a method is well-defined through software, the robustness of the method is dependent on proper practice of sampling, validation, and method maintenance. In this document, we will detail the recommended practices for using the multivariate method with NanoRam-1064. These practices are recommended for end users who are in the pharmaceutical environment, and can expand to other industries as well. This document aims to serve as a general reference for NanoRam-1064 users who would like to build an SOP for method development, validation and implementation.
- 410000055-AThe Importance of Relative Intensity Correction of Raman Data and How to Utilize it for i-Raman Series Portable Raman Instruments in BWSpec Software
An important aspect of collecting Raman data to make it comparable across instruments is correcting for the spectrometer’s relative intensity, since the relative response for each Raman spectrometer is unique. Standard reference materials (SRMs) are optical glasses that emit a broadband luminescence spectrum when illuminated with a Raman laser at a specific wavelength. This spectrum is applied as the spectral-intensity response correction for a specific instrument, to remove instrumental artefacts. The standard software for i-Raman series portable instruments, BWSpec, has functions for applying this instrument-specific correction. This technical note explains the relative intensity correction, and how to apply it using BWSpec software.
- 410000056-ACounterfeit Adderall Pills Identification with TacticID Mobile
In this case study, a suspected counterfeit Adderall pill was measured directly with a TacticID Mobile using a point-and-shoot adapter. The spectra of the suspected couterfeit pill was found to contain cellulose and caffeine, but not the active ingredient. The TacticiD Mobile with 1064-nm laser excitation provides fluorescence suppression, giving those on the front lines a tool in the fight against dangerous counterfeit drugs.
- 410000057-ATechnical Note: Spectral Preprocessing for Raman Quantitative Analysis
Raman spectroscopy’s use for process analytics in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries continues to grow due to its nondestructive measurements, fast analysis times, and ability to do both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Spectral preprocessing algorithms are routinely applied to quantitative spectroscopic data in order to enhance spectral features while minimizing variability unrelated to the analyte in question. In this technical note we discuss the main preprocessing options pertinent to Raman spectroscopy with real applications examples, and to review the algorithms available in B&W Tek and Metrohm software so that the reader becomes comfortable applying them to build Raman quantitative models.
- 410000059-BCharacterization of carbon materials with Raman spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy is a valuable tool for the characterization of carbon nanomaterials due to its selectivity, speed, and ability to measure samples nondestructively. Carbon materials typically have simple Raman spectra, but they contain a wealth of information about internal microcrystalline structures in peak position, shape, and relative intensity.
- 410000061-AIdentification of Starting Materials inPharmaceutical industry using STRam®-1064
100% starting materials identification testing is one of the FDA’s directives as per 211.84 for FDA regulated industries such as Pharmaceutical, Vaccines, Cosmetics, Tobacco, Animal veterinary products, Food, etc. STRam®-1064 is a Raman analyzer uniquely suited for this purpose. It measures samples through thick packaging materials such as plastics, multilayer kraft paper sacks, and HDPE containers. A long wavelength laser is used to suppress fluorescence. The ID algorithm isolates the sample signature by subtracting that of the packaging material and compares that with library spectra to achieve identification.
- 8.000.5303Poster: #KnowNOVA
This poster presents some practical tips to make your daily work with the NOVA software easier.
- 8.000.5304Poster: 6 easy steps to Optimize your NOVA procedure
This poster summarizes how to optimize NOVA procedures in 6 easy steps.
- 8.000.6005Hyphenated techniques as modern detection systems in ion chromatography
The coupling of highly efficient ion chromatography (IC) to multi-dimensional detectors such as a mass spectrometer (MS) or an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP/MS) significantly increases sensitivity while simultaneously reducing possible matrix interference to the absolute minimum. By means of IC/MS several oxyhalides such as bromate and perchlorate can be detected in the sub-ppb range. Additionally, organic acids can be precisely quantified through mass-based determination even in the presence of high salt matrices. By means of IC-ICP/MS different valence states of the potentially hazardous chromium, arsenic and selenium in the form of inorganic and organic species can be sensitively and unambiguously identified in one single run.