- 410000031-ARapid Field Testing of Ecstasy Pills Using a 1064-nm Handheld Raman Device
B&W Tek’s TacticID®-1064 is a field-ready handheld Raman system utilizing 1064-nm wavelength laser excitation. Designed for forensic analysis by safety personnel, first responders, and law enforcement personnel, the TacticID-1064 significantly reduces fluorescence, allowing users to identify tough street samples such as ecstasy tablets in a variety of colors and mixture forms.
- 410000032-APros and Cons of Using Correlation Versus Multivariate Algorithms for Material Identification via Handheld Spectroscopy
The two most common mathematical representations used with handheld Raman spectroscopy as decision-making tools for spectroscopic data: Hit Quality Index (HQI) and significance level (p-value) are presented.
- 410000033-AMicro-Raman Spectroscopy in Thin Section Analysis of Rock Mineralogy
Correct identification of mineral phases in rock thin sections is essential to petrographic and petrologic analysis of rocks. Portable Raman coupled to an optical microscope gives chemical information along with the optical images to give a higher certainty of identification than traditionally used optical micropcopy alone.
- 410000034-AThe Advantages of a Compact, Thermoelectrically-Cooled Fiber Optic Spectrometer for Raman and Fluorescence Spectroscopy
The benefits of a TE-cooled spectrometer in Raman systems are discussed to deliver lower system noise over longer integration times, resulting in lower limits of detection.
- 410000035-AB&W Tek TacticID for Narcotics Identification
Forensics testing of samples encountered by law enforcement and customs agents is based on analytical techniques that are now being miniaturized and simplified and are making their way into field instrumentation. Field testing with Raman spectroscopy allows users to conduct reliable measurements at the point of arrest, reducing the burden on crime labs and accelerating the prosecution process.
- 410000036-ACost & Benefits of Handheld Raman for Quality Control Testing of Incoming Raw Materials in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
Handheld Raman solutions have improved the ability to do complete incoming raw material testing quickly without the need for sample preparation. The NanoRam handheld Raman contributes to increased quality testing with a cost-effective technology used at point of receipt, thus minimizing steps to material acceptance, giving a high return on investment (ROI).
- 410000037-AIn-situ Monitoring of a Moisture-Induced Polymorphic Transition using Raman Spectroscopy and Gravimetric Vapor Sorption
The combination of Raman spectroscopy and vapor sorption techniques provides a comprehensive understanding of vapor-solid interactions of pharmaceutical materials as it relates to the structural properties.This paper investigates the in-situ monitoring of a moisture-induced polymorphic transformation (D-mannitol from delta to beta form) using a combined Raman-vapor sorption technique.
- 410000038-AMaterial ID through Dark Brown PVBag
This technical note is to demonstrate the NanoRam material identification through dark brown plastic bags. NanoRam is shown to work for material identification inside dark brown polyvinyl bag.
- 410000039-AQuantitative Analysis of Solutions Using a High Resolution Portable Raman Spectrometer
Ternary mixtures of aqueous sugar solutions are measured and multivariate models of the concentration of analytes developed using BWIQ software.
- 410000040-ASampling Guidelines for Handheld Raman Measurements – What You Need To Know
Handheld Raman is used for raw material testing of different sample types and forms. The use of optimized sampling accessories enhances the utility of handheld Raman without compromising data quality or complicating testing.