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Automatyzacja dla KF Titrando
Automatyzacja dla KF Titrando

Automatyzacja dla KF Titrando

Automatyczne przygotowanie próbki w sytuacjach, kiedy nie można miareczkować bezpośrednio.

The oven sample changer was developed by Metrohm to automate thermal sample preparation. This enables you to process high numbers of samples that cannot be directly titrated volumetrically or coulometrically fast and more precisely.

  • Eliminate manual work steps
  • Increased precision and comparability of your results through automation
  • High level of accuracy thanks to heated transfer tubing
  • More functionality through software control
  • Own sample vials can be used with a customized system

Brochure: 885 Compact Oven Sample Changer (8.885.5000, PDF, 857 KB)

Brochure: 874 USB Oven Sample Processor (8.874.5001, PDF, 2.3 MB)

Difficult samples? No problem!


The oven method enables you to analyze samples that cannot be titrated directly. This might be the case for various reasons, e.g., because your sample:

  • does not dissolve easily,
  • releases the water only at high temperatures, or
  • reacts with the KF reagent.

The oven method involves heating the samples and transferring the evaporated water to the titration cell by means of a dry carrier gas. As only the water gets in contact with the KF reagent, the electrode and the titration cell are not contaminated, and carryover or memory effects that could distort the results are excluded.

More precision in less time

Using an oven sample changer, the sample is contained in sealed vials, meaning that the water content remains unchanged.

In addition, the sample changers have a heated transfer tube. Condensation in the tube is therefore excluded while the water is being transferred to the titration vessel.


The choice is yours


The 885 Compact Oven Sample Changer encapsulates convenience and easy operation – the only parameters that you have to define are the oven temperature and the gas flow:

  • very small footprint 
  • integrated control panel for stand-alone operation


If you are looking for more flexibility and functionality, the 874 USB Oven Sample Processor is the right choice:

  • controlled with the intuitive and powerful tiamo software or the modern OMNIS software, allowing you to work out the optimum heating temperature of an unknown sample by recording a heating curve
  • Option to automate reagent exchange, and thus avoid having to open the titration cell and possible exposure to the toxic reagent
  • Option to use your own sample vessels
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