- AB-011Determination of zinc by bi-amperometric titration with potassium hexacyanoferrate(II)
Zinc, such as that occurring as a constituent of light alloys, can be determined by precipitation titration with potentiometric endpoint indication. The determination of zinc in the presence of cadmium is also possible.2 K4[Fe(CN)6] + 3 ZnCl2 → K2Zn3[Fe(CN)6]2 + 6 KCl
- AB-018Simultaneous determination of gold and copper in electroplating baths and/or alloys by potentiometric titration
This Bulletin describes the simultaneous determination of gold and copper by potentiometric titration using an Fe(II) solution as titrant. Fe(II) reduces Au(III) directly to the free metal, whereas Cu(II) does not react. By the addition of fluoride ions the Fe(III) is complexed and a shift of the redox potential is effected. Afterwards, potassium iodide is added, thus reducing the Cu(II) to Cu(I), and the free iodine is again titrated with the Fe(II) solution using a Pt Titrode.Chemical reactions:Au(III) + 3 Fe(II) → Au + 3 Fe(III)2 Cu(II) + 2 I- → 2 Cu(I) + I2I2 + 2 Fe(II) → 2 I- + 2 Fe(III)
- AB-037Determination of chromium in iron and steel
Two methods are described for the determination of chromium: a biamperometric titration and a polarographic analysis.
- AB-061Potentiometric determination of silver – Accurate determination according to EN ISO and GB/T standards
Silver is an important metal not only in jewelry and silverware but also in electrical conductors and contacts. The knowledge of the exact silver content in fine silver and silver alloys ensures that quality standards for jewelry and silverware are met. As for the plating industry, the knowledge of the amount of silver in silver plating baths helps to run the bath efficiently.While X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is a fast alternative to determine the silver content in fine silver and silver alloys, it can only determine the silver content of the outermost sections of the metal. In contrast, titration offers a more comprehensive solution considering the whole sample, thus preventing fraud by thick plating.This application bulletin describes the potentiometric determination of silver in fine silver and silver alloys accordingto EN ISO 11427, ISO 13756, GB/T 17823, and GB/T 18996 as well as in silver plating baths by a titration with potassium bromide or potassium chloride, respectively
- AB-101Complexometric titrations with the Cu ISE
This Bulletin describes the complexometric potentiometric titration of metal ions. An ion-selective copper electrode is used to indicate the endpoint of the titration. Since this electrode does not respond directly to complexing agents, the corresponding Cu complex is added to the solution. With the described electrode, it is possible to determine water hardness and to analyze metal concentrations in electroplating baths, metal salts, minerals, and ores. The following metal ions have been determined: Al3+, Ba2+, Bi3+, Ca2+, Co2+, Fe3+, Mg2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, Sr2+, and Zn2+.
- AB-132Polarographic determination of molybdenum in strongly ferruginous materials
A method is described in this Bulletin that allows molybdenum to be determined in steel and other materials containing a high iron concentration. Mo(VI) is determined at the dropping mercury electrode by catalytic polarography. The determination limit is approx. 10 μg/L Mo(VI).
- AN-COR-005Corrosion part 5 – corrosion Inhibitors
A corrosion inhibitor is a substance that reduces the corrosion rate of a metal. A corrosion inhibitor is usually added in a small concentration to the corrosive environment. This application note shows how Metrohm Autolab instruments can be used to check the quality of inhibitors.
- AN-COR-010Electrochemical Corrosion Studies of Various Metals
Corrosion of metals is a problem seriously affecting not only many industrial sectors, but also private life, resulting in enormous costs. In this application note, the results gained during electrochemical corrosion studies on different metals are compared to literature data.
- AN-COR-011ASTM G100: Cyclic Galvanostaircase Polarization
The ASTM standard G100 is an electrochemical method to test localized corrosion of aluminum 3003-H14 and other alloys. A cyclic galvanostatic staircase polarization (galvanostaircase) is composed of an upward and a downward scan. The potential values at the end of each step are collected and linearly fitted, and the potential values at zero current are found.
- AN-COR-012ASTM G5: Potentiodynamic Anodic Polarization Measurements
The ASTM standard G5 is a method to test the corrosion of Type 430 stainless steel, with a potentiodynamic anodic polarization measurement. The ASTM standard G5 for testing the corrosion of stainless steel 430 in sulfuric acid solution has been implemented in a NOVA procedure and the experiment performed with a PGSTAT302N and a 1 L corrosion cell.
- AN-COR-014Corrosion Inhibitor Efficiency Measurement in Turbulent Flow Conditions with the Autolab Rotating Cylinder Electrode (RCE), According to ASTM G185
The rotating cylinder electrode (RCE) is a technique used in corrosion research to simulate in a laboratory environment the turbulent flow which usually occurs when liquids are transported through pipelines. The RCE is used to generate a turbulent flow at the surface of a sample, simulating the pipe flow conditions. Experiments that involve an RCE are regulated by the ASTM G185 standard. In this application note, The RCE with a 1018 carbon steel cylinder sample was used with the linear polarization (LP) measurement technique.
- AN-COR-015Corrosion Rates Measurements in Quiescent and Turbulent Flow conditions by using Rotating Cylinder Electrode (RCE)
The rotating cylinder electrode (RCE) is successfully used in a laboratory environment to generate a turbulent flow at the surface of a sample, simulating realistic pipe flow conditions. In this application note, the corrosion rate is measured and compared between quiescent and turbulent flow conditions, while keeping all the other experimental conditions unchanged. The linear polarization (LP) technique was used together with the RCE (with and without rotation).
- AN-COR-016Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization Measurements as per ASTM G61
The ASTM standard G61 is used to determine the susceptibility to localize corrosion on various alloys of iron, nickel and cobalt, in a chlorine environment. This application notes shows a measurement example in accordance with the ASTM G61 by using a Metrohm Autolab PGSTAT302N and a Metrohm Autolab 1 L corrosion cell.
- AN-COR-017Coulometric Reduction as per ASTM B825
The ASTM B825 is used to determine the corrosion and tarnish film on metal surfaces. This is achieved by using the so-called cathodic reduction method. With the help of a Metrohm Autolab PGSTAT302N and a Metrohm Autolab 1 L corrosion cell, a procedure to replicate the ASTM B825 is shown.
- AN-COR-018Evaluation of organic coatings on metals using Autolab PGSTAT based on ISO 17463 – Paints and Varnishes
The International Standard ISO 17463 describes the determination of the anticorrosive properties of high impedance organic protective coatings on metals. This technique uses cycles composed of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements, cathodic polarizations and potential relaxation. This application note shows the compliance of the Metrohm Autolab PGSTAT M204 and flat cell with the standard ISO 17463.
- AN-EC-012Different approaches for capacitance measurements
The relative permittivity εr, also known as dielectric constant, is of great importance in materials characterization. It can be defined as the ratio between the amount of electrical energy stored in a material and the amount of electrical energy stored in a vacuum. One of the easiest way to obtain the relative permittivity is to calculate it from capacitance values. In this Application Note, five techniques to retrieve capacity values have been compared.
- AN-EC-032Hydrogen permeation with a single instrument according to ASTM G148
The Devanathan-Stachurski cell (or «H cell») is successfully used to evaluate the permeation of hydrogen through sheets or membranes. As small amounts of hydrogen pass through the sheet or membrane, a very sensitive potentiostat is required for its detection. A study of the hydrogen permeation properties of different iron sheets is discussed in this Application Note while taking the instrumental requirements into account.
- AN-EIS-007EIS Data fitting – How to obtain good starting values of equivalent circuit elements
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a powerful technique which provides information about the processes occurring at the electrode-electrolyte interface. The data collected with EIS are modeled with a suitable electrical equivalent circuit. The fitting procedure will change the values of the parameters until the mathematical function matches the experimental data within a certain margin of error. In this Application Note, some suggestions are given in order to get acceptable initial parameters and to perform an accurate fitting.
- AN-H-043Determination of copper by iodometric titration
Determination of copper, principally in copper mining and refining solutions. The method may also be used fordetermination of purity of copper metal. Optimal results are obtained when aliquots containing copper in the rangeapproximately 3 - 6 mmol Cu are titrated.
- AN-N-003Five anions in solder paste
Determination of anions in solder paste after alcoholic extraction using anion chromatography with direct conductivity detection.
- AN-S-079Four anions in corrosion powder
Determination of fluoride, chloride, nitrate, and sulfate in corrosion powder using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-T-069Iron and nickel in binary mixtures
Determination of iron and nickel in binary mixtures by potentiometric titration with EDTA at different pH values using the Cu-ISE.
- AN-U-040Chromium(VI) in colorless and colored chromate coating on metallic samples as per IEC 62321 method for RoHS testing
The determination of chromium in metal plate samples using anion exchange chromatography with UV/VIS detection after post-column reaction with diphenylcarbazide as per IEC 62321 method for RoHS testing. This method provides procedures for the determination of the presence of chromium(VI) in colorless and colored chromate coatings on metallic samples.
- AN-V-169Lead in tin soldering contacts
The concentration of Pb in Sn soldering contacts is determined by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) in an electrolyte containing citrate, oxalic acid, HCl, and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide.
- AN-V-191Cadmium and lead in metallic materials as part of electrotechnical products
The EU directive on «Restriction of Hazardous Substances» (RoHS) requires the testing of four regulated heavy metals (Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr(VI)) in electrotechnical products. After sample preparation according to IEC 62321 the determination of lead and cadmium in metallic materials can be carried out by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) using ammonium oxalate buffer pH 2.
- AN-V-192Chromium(VI) in chromate coating on metallic materials as part of electrotechnical products
The EU directive on «Restriction of Hazardous Substances» (RoHS) requires the testing of four regulated heavy metals (Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr(VI)) in electrotechnical products. After sample preparation according to IEC 62321 the determination of chromium(VI) in chromate coating on metallic materials can be carried out by adsorptive stripping voltammetry (AdSV) using DTPA (diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid) as complexing agent.
- AN-V-193Mercury in metallic materials as part of electrotechnical products
The EU directive on «Restriction of Hazardous Substances» (RoHS) requires the testing of four regulated heavy metals (Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr(VI)) in electrotechnical products. After sample preparation according to IEC 62321 the determination of mercury in metallic materials can be carried out by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) at a gold rotating disk electrode (Au-RDE).