- 8.000.6021Water analysis
A complete tap water analysis includes the determination of the pH value, the alkalinity and the total water hardness. Both the pH measurement and the pH titration by means of a standard pH electrode suffer from several drawbacks. First, the response time of several minutes is too long and, above all, the stirring rate significantly influences the measured pH value. Unlike these standard pH electrodes, the Aquatrode Plus with its special glass membrane guarantees rapid, correct and very precise pH measurements and pH titrations in solutions that have a low ionic strength or are weakly buffered. Total water hardness is ideally determined by a calcium ion-selective electrode (Ca ISE). In a complexometric titration, calcium and magnesium can be simultaneously determined up to a calcium/magnesium ratio of 10:1. Detection limits for both ions are in the range of 0.01 mmol/L.
- AB-101Complexometric titrations with the Cu ISE
This Bulletin describes the complexometric potentiometric titration of metal ions. An ion-selective copper electrode is used to indicate the endpoint of the titration. Since this electrode does not respond directly to complexing agents, the corresponding Cu complex is added to the solution. With the described electrode, it is possible to determine water hardness and to analyze metal concentrations in electroplating baths, metal salts, minerals, and ores. The following metal ions have been determined: Al3+, Ba2+, Bi3+, Ca2+, Co2+, Fe3+, Mg2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, Sr2+, and Zn2+.
- AB-125Simultaneous determination of calcium, magnesium, and alkalinity by complexometric titration with potentiometric or photometric indication in water and beverage samples
This bulletin describes the determination of calcium, magnesium, and alkalinity in water by complexometric titration with EDTA as titrant. It is grouped into two parts, the potentiometric determination and the photometric determination.There are multiple definitions of the different types of water hardness. In this Application Bulletin, the following definitions are used: alkalinity, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, total hardness, and permanent hardness. Explanations of these definitions and other expressions are provided in the Appendix.Determination of alkalinity during the photometric part is carried out in a separate acid-base titration before the complexometric titration of calcium and magnesium in water. Permanent hardness can be calculated from these values. The determination of calcium and magnesium in beverages (fruit and vegetable juices, wine) is also described.The photometric part includes the determinations of total and calcium hardness and thereby indirectly magnesium hardness using Eriochrome Black T and calconcarboxylic acid as indicators (in accordance with DIN 38406-3).
- AB-178Fully automated analysis of water samples
The determination of the physical and chemical parameters as electrical conductivity, pH value, p and m value (alkalinity), chloride content, the calcium and magnesium hardness, the total hardness, as well as fluoride content are necessary for evaluating the water quality. This bulletin describes how to determine the above mentioned parameters in a single analytical run.Further important parameters in water analysis are the permanganate index (PMI) and the chemical oxygen deman (COD). Therefore, this Bulletin additionally describes the fully automated determination of the PMI according to EN ISO 8467 as well as the determination of the COD according to DIN 38409-44.
- AB-221Standard methods in water analysis
This Bulletin gives a survey of standard methods from the field of water analysis. You will also find the analytical instruments required for the respective determinations and references to the corresponding Metrohm Application Bulletins and Application Notes. The following parameters are dealt with: electrical conductivity, pH value, fluoride, ammonium and Kjeldahl nitrogen, anions and cations by means of ion chromatography, heavy metals by means of voltammetry, chemical oxygen demand (COD), water hardness, free chlorine as well as a few other water constituents.
- AB-436Installation instructions TitrIC flex I
The TitrIC flex I system is used for the fully automatic analysis of water samples using direct measurement, titration, and ion chromatography. The following parameters are determined within a very short time: temperature, conductivity, pH, alkalinity, water hardness, and in parallel, the concentrations of individual anions. Further Metrohm instruments can be incorporated in the existing system at any time and used to measure additional parameters. This Application Bulletin describes in detail the installation instructions for the TitrIC flex I system.
- AB-437Installation instructions TitrIC flex II
The TitrIC flex II system is used for the fully automatic analysis of water samples using direct measurement, titration, and ion chromatography. The following parameters are determined within a very short time: temperature, conductivity, pH, acid capacity, and in parallel, the concentrations of individual anions and cations with the resulting water hardness and ion balance. Further Metrohm instruments can be incorporated in the existing system at any time and used to measure additional parameters. This Application Bulletin describes in detail the installation instructions for the TitrIC flex II system.
- AN-PAN-1036Online determination of alkalinity and hardness in process and make up water for beer production
Beer is a popular beverage consumed by millions of people for enjoyment, despite its humble beginnings as a water purification technique in pre-modern times. Brewing beer requires large amounts of water which must adhere to strict alkalinity, hardness, and pH parameters to ensure uniformity in flavor and appearance between each batch. Alkalinity is introduced by carbonates and hydroxides in water which raise and buffer the pH. Hardness, balanced to a large degree by the alkalinity, comes from Ca and Mg ions, mainly present as hydrogen carbonates. Depending on the concentration ranges, the 2035 Process Analyzer or the 2060 Process Analyzer are ideally suited for the fully automatic execution of these important analyses, as well as additional parameters like pH or conductivity. These process analyzers can signal the plant’s distribution system to correct the water chemistry, ensuring consistent product quality. In addition to alkalinity and water hardness, numerous other parameters can also be determined (pH, conductivity, etc.).
- AN-S-387Comprehensive water analysis with TitrIC flex II
The TitrIC flex II system is the perfect combination of titration, direct measurement, and ion chromatography for fully automated analysis of all key parameters. These include pH, conductivity, hardness, anions, cations, as well as the calculation of the ion balance: comprehensive water analysis from one system.
- AN-T-074Conductivity, pH value, alkalinity, and hardness in tap water
In this application note, a fully automated system is presented which allows the determination of several parameters according to various standards within one analysis. These include conductivity (ISO 7888, EN 27888, ASTM D1125, EPA 120.1), the pH value (EN ISO 10523, ASTM D1293, EPA 150.1), alkalinity (EN ISO 9963, ASTM D1067, EPA 310.1), and Ca/Mg content (ISO 6059, ASTM D1126, EPA 130.2). Additionally, the system transfers the required sample volume into an external titration vessel for the analysis, reducing manual sample preparation. Furthermore, all sensors can be automatically calibrated and the titer of each titrant can also be determined.
- AN-T-076Conductivity, pH value, alkalinity, hardness, and chloride in tap water
In this application note, a fully automated system is presented which allows the determination of several parameters according to various standards within one analysis. These include conductivity (ISO 7888, EN 27888, ASTM D1125, EPA 120.1), pH value (EN ISO 10523, ASTM D1293, EPA 150.1), alkalinity (EN ISO 9963, ASTM D1067, EPA 310.1), Ca/Mg (ISO 6059, ASTM D1126, EPA 130.2), and chloride (ISO 9297, ASTM D512, EPA 325.3). Additionally the system transfers the required volume of sample into external titration vessels for the different analyses, reducing manual sample preparation. Furthermore, all sensors can be automatically calibrated and the titer of each titrant can also be determined.
- AN-T-084Total, calcium, and magnesium hardness in water samples
ASTM D8192 describes the photometric titration of the total hardness, calcium hardness, and magnesium hardness in water with an optical sensor for objective endpoint indication, increasing precision and reliability. The method is suitable for both colored and colorless samples such as groundwater, surface water, wastewater, and drinking water. Using a fully automated OMNIS system equipped with an Optrode ensures that the sample preparation and analysis are repeatable.
- AN-T-131Calcium, magnesium, and total hardness in water
Water hardness is often determined photometrically using two different indicators and while performing the determination at two different pH values. Additionally, the determination itself is subjective, as the color change is determined by the analyst and not by an analytical device.This application note introduces a more robust option to easily assess calcium, magnesium, and total hardness in water by using the Cu-ISE and two different titrants. Sample preparation is identical for both analyses and can therefore be automated without any issues.
- AN-T-205Fully automated water analysis by OMNIS
The determination of the physical and chemical parameters as electrical conductivity, pH value, alkalinity, the calcium and magnesium hardness as well as the total hardness are necessary for evaluating the water quality. A fast and accurate determination in tap water is realized using an automated OMNIS System working in parallel on different workstations. An 856 Conductivity Module with Dosinos extends the system.
- TA-044pH value, conductivity and titration in water and soil analysis
The rapid growth of the Earth's population has led to massive increases in the consumption of energy and resources and in the production of consumer products and chemicals. It is estimated that 17 million chemical compounds are currently on the market, of which 100,000 are produced on a large industrial scale. Many of these enter the environment. This leads to a demand for sensitive analytical procedures and high-performance analytical instruments.pH value, conductivity and oxygen requirement are important characteristics in water and soil analysis. The first two of these can be determined rapidly; for the third, the titration that is used is also the one used in numerous single determinations. This article describes several important standard-compliant determinations in water and soil analysis.
- WP-011Sustainable Testing of Paint and Coatings
More strict regulations paired with more complex products have increased testing complexity in the paint and coating industry. Therefore, producers ask for more powerful, safe and sustainable analytical methods. Testing by Vis-NIR spectroscopy is a sustainable and costefficient alternative to many wet chemical methods. This white paper describes how Vis-NIR spectroscopy improves testing procedures for various analyses during the formulation and production of paint and coatings in an economic and ecological way.Key words: testing, sustainable, VOC, paint, coating, binders, resins, additives, pigments, solvents
- WP-090Automated water hardness determination according to ASTM D8192
The ASTM D8192 standard allows analysts to determine water hardness in different water matrices by complexometry with automated photometric endpoint recognition, increasing the reproducibility and the precision of the results.