- 410000002-BCarbon Black At-line Characterization Using a Portable Raman Spectrometer
In this article portable Raman spectroscopy as an effective tool for at-line characterization of carbon black is presented. Raman spectroscopic analysis can be an effective test to characterize carbon black material, including the structural order.
- 410000006-BLow-frequency Raman spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy is an advantageous analytical tool that allows for the measurement of molecular structure and identifying chemical composition of materials based on the rotational and vibrational modes of a molecule. With advanced technology and an optimized optical design, the B&W Tek BAC102 series E-grade probe can access lower frequency modes down to 65 cm-1, providing key information for applications in protein characterization, polymorph detection, and identification, along with material phase and structure determination.
- 410000033-AMicro-Raman Spectroscopy in Thin Section Analysis of Rock Mineralogy
Correct identification of mineral phases in rock thin sections is essential to petrographic and petrologic analysis of rocks. Portable Raman coupled to an optical microscope gives chemical information along with the optical images to give a higher certainty of identification than traditionally used optical micropcopy alone.
- 410000038-AMaterial ID through Dark Brown PVBag
This technical note is to demonstrate the NanoRam material identification through dark brown plastic bags. NanoRam is shown to work for material identification inside dark brown polyvinyl bag.
- 410000040-ASampling Guidelines for Handheld Raman Measurements – What You Need To Know
Handheld Raman is used for raw material testing of different sample types and forms. The use of optimized sampling accessories enhances the utility of handheld Raman without compromising data quality or complicating testing.
- 410000047-ANanoRam-1064 Fast Fact: Raw Material Verification of Cellulose and its Derivatives
Cellulose is a common naturally-derived raw excipient found in the majority of pharmaceutical products. Raw material testing is required to ensure that consumers are receiving quality cellulose and its derivatives. The NanoRam®-1064 is an asset for pharmaceutical identity testing, minimizing fluorescence generated by typical handheld Raman systems with 785 nm lasers. As such, the NanoRam®-1064 is used here to identify cellulose derivatives that would normally fluoresce with a 785 nm laser.
- 410000048-AA-Mode: Customizable Library Capabilities for Advanced Users with the TacticID®-GP Plus Handheld Raman System
The TacticID®-GP Plus has multiple measurement modes to support safety and security users. A-Mode allows the user to create library Raman or SERS spectra customizable for spectral search range and hit quality index (HQI) threshold. A-mode is of beneficial use to forensics laboratories that would like to utilize expansion of SERS detection of designer drugs specific to their geographical regions or for food safety in perspective markets. In this example, A-Mode is used to create a SERS library of melamine to easily detect the presence of melamine in infant formula using a single indicator peak.
- 410000049-ANanoRam®-1064 Fast Facts: Botanical Verification
Botanicals are derived from plant materials and used for their medicinal and therapeutic properties in the nutraceuticals market. They are not as heavily regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) like the pharmaceuticals drug market, but they are required to follow Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP Requirements).The NanoRam®-1064 is an asset for pharmaceutical identity testing, minimizing fluorescence generated by typical handheld Raman systems with 785 nm lasers. As such, the NanoRam®-1064 is used here to identify botanicals that would normally fluoresce with a 785 nm laser.
- 410000050-AApplication Fast Fact Historic Stamp Inks
Stamps are cultural heritage objects that provide an invaluable amount of historical information. There is an increase of counterfeit historical inks and it is imperative that fraudulent stamps can be identified and removed from the market. The portable Raman i-Raman EX® with a 1064 nm laser is used because it minimizes the fluorescence of the ink. The i-Raman EX® also has the functionality of low laser power reduction down to 1% to prevent sample burning and the Raman video microscope system analyzes the smallest of details, which is imperative for cultural heritage analysis of an 1885 historical envelope.
- 410000051-BIdentification of microplastics with Raman microscopy
Research laboratories must expand their capabilities to routinely analyze candidate microplastics from environmental samples to determine their origin and help predict biological impacts. Spectroscopic techniques are well suited to polymer identification. Laboratory Raman spectroscopy is an alternative to confocal Raman microscopes and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microscopes for quick identification of polymer materials. Raman microscopy was used to identify very small microplastic particles in this Application Note.
- 410000052-ASee-Through Measurements of Illicit Substances in Commercial Containers with the TacticID®-1064 ST
The TacticID®-1064 ST is a 1064 nm handheld Raman system designed for law enforcement officials, first responders, and customs and border protection officers for rapid field identification of illicit substances such as narcotics, explosives, and other suspicious materials.The TacticID-1064 ST is specially designed with see-through Raman functionality to measure materials through both transparent and opaque containers. These through-barrier measurements remove the need for active sampling of potentially dangerous compounds such as fentanyl, leading to safer operations and reduced wait time for clear results.
- 410000061-AIdentification of Starting Materials inPharmaceutical industry using STRam®-1064
100% starting materials identification testing is one of the FDA’s directives as per 211.84 for FDA regulated industries such as Pharmaceutical, Vaccines, Cosmetics, Tobacco, Animal veterinary products, Food, etc. STRam®-1064 is a Raman analyzer uniquely suited for this purpose. It measures samples through thick packaging materials such as plastics, multilayer kraft paper sacks, and HDPE containers. A long wavelength laser is used to suppress fluorescence. The ID algorithm isolates the sample signature by subtracting that of the packaging material and compares that with library spectra to achieve identification.
- AN-NIR-018Near-infrared (NIR) assay and content uniformity of tablets
Near-infrared (NIR) analysis permits the rapid and reliable determination of the content uniformity of tablets in the process. The method fulfills the regulations of the Process Analytical Technology (PAT) initiative of the FDA. The results of this Application Note show that the work involved in the laboratories for HPLC analysis can be reduced considerably. In addition, NIR offers the possibility of introducing more real-time analysis into the process monitoring.
- AN-NIR-083Quality Control of HDPE, LDPE, and PP
Identification of individual polymers with FT-IR spectroscopy can be a challenge due to sample inhomogeneity especially when larger sample sizes need to be analyzed. This application note demonstrates that the DS2500 Solid Analyzer operating in the visible and near infrared spectral region (Vis-NIR) provides a reliable and fast solution for the identification of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), and polypropylene (PP). With no sample preparation or chemicals needed, Vis-NIR spectroscopy allows the identification of larger inhomogeneous sample amounts in less than a minute.
- AN-NIR-118Quantification of cotton content in textiles by near-infrared spectroscopy
This Application Note demonstrates how the OMNIS NIR Analyzer Solid quickly determines the cotton content in various textile products within just 30 seconds.
- AN-NIR-124Polyethylene content determination in polypropylene pellets by NIRS
Polypropylene and polyethylene can pose recycling challenges. With near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), users receive polyolefin composition results in seconds.
- AN-PAN-1061Inline detection of wheat flour adulteration by NIR spectroscopy
Adulteration in the food industry is a significant concern due to potential health risks and changes in product quality and nutrition. Detecting such adulteration is challenging, however, to ensure high-quality products, precise measurements during the manufacturing process are essential for identifying any contamination in raw materials and final products. This Process Application Note details the inline analysis of potato starch in the wheat flour manufacturing process with a 2060 The NIR Analyzer from Metrohm Process Analytics.
- AN-RS-001Identifying polymers with Raman spectroscopy
This application highlights Metrohm’s XTR® technology to identify colored polymers by extracting the Raman signal from spectra with strong background fluorescence.
- AN-RS-005Differentiation of inorganic salts using Raman spectroscopy
This Application Note documents the suitability of hand-held Raman spectrometers, e.g., the Mira M-1, for the identification and differentiation of salts such as carbonates, phosphates, and sulfates. The focus of the work was the rating of the influence of the cationic part and of the crystal water on the Raman spectroscopy identification of the salts.
- AN-RS-006Differentiation between isopropyl alcohol from various manufacturers
This Application Note shows the rapid, non-destructive identification of isopropyl alcohol from two manufacturers using Raman spectroscopy following the creation of a suitable library. The measurements with the hand-held Raman spectrometer Mira M-1 require no sample preparation and provide immediate results that identify the samples unambiguously.
- AN-RS-013Determination of Container Contents
Identification of unknown materials in the field can be a complicated affair, especially in critical situations, where speed, safety, and ease-of-operation are essential. Mira DS, Metrohm Raman’s handheld Raman analyzer, and the intelligent Universal Attachment (iUA) give the user automated Content ID capabilities. Content ID achieves through container identification of unknown materials quickly, easily, and safely.
- AN-RS-034Orbital Raster Scan (ORS™)
This application note presents the Orbital Raster Scan (ORS) technology from Metrohm Raman to overcome low resolution, poor sensitivity, and sample degradation while still interrogating a large sample area.
- AN-RS-037A Deeper Look at 785 nm Raman
Signal-to-noise ratio, spectrograph design, resolution of MIRA handheld Raman analyzers.
- AN-RS-041Discriminating counterfeit beer with Raman spectroscopy and PCA
Currently, there are no simple tests to identify counterfeit beer. This Application Note demonstrates the ability of i-Raman EX, the B&W Tek Laboratory Raman instrument with a 1064 nm laser, with principal component analysis (PCA) to distinguish between beers from different brewers and from a mixture of beers.
- AN-RS-044Optimize raw material identification and verification (RMID) with MIRA P
This Application Note explains how to scale MIRA P usage across an entire manufacturing operation by transferring models between different MIRA P instruments.
- AN-RS-045Transition RMID Operations Between Handheld Raman Devices
This application shows how to seamlessly transition from Metrohm’s NanoRam 785 to the newer MIRA P system, ensuring continuity in raw material identification (RMID).
- BWT-4903The NanoRam Hand-held Raman Spectrometer: Ideally-suited for the Inspection of Raw Materials and Chemicals Used in the Pharmaceutical industry
The NanoRam handheld Raman, with a TE-cooled spectrometer, and patented CleanLaze technology packaged in a small, touch-screen operating unit, delivers high quality raw material testing capabilities for pharmaceutical manufacturers.
- BWT-4905The NanoRam Hand-held Raman Spectrometer Full Regulatory Compliance for the Inspection of Raw Materials and Chemicals Used in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
The NanoRam is a state-of-the-art, handheld Raman spectrometer for the rapid identification of chemicals used in the pharmaceutical manufacturing process. It has been specifically designed for these applications and is fully compliant with all the major global regulatory, safety, and commercial testing agencies applicable to the pharmaceutical industry.
- BWT-4911Using Handheld Raman to Reduce Risks in Materials Used for Manufacturing
Raman spectroscopy is a valuable tool to provide rapid, specific analysis for identification of raw materials, thus reducing the risk of using substandard or incorrect materials in manufacturing. The utility of handheld Raman increases productivity, and the ability to do full testing without creating bottlenecks in the production process. The integration of the Raman data into a company’s data management system provides a secure means of handling data and results, with reduced risk of transcription errors, and data loss.
- WP-054Boost efficiency in the QC laboratory: How NIRS helps reduce costs up to 90%
Underestimation of quality control (QC) processes is one of the major factors leading to internal and external product failure, which have been reported to cause a loss of turnover between 10–30%. As a result, many different norms are put in place to support manufacturers with their QC process. However, time to result and the associated costs for chemicals can be quite excessive, leading many companies to implement near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in their QC process. This paper illustrates the potential of NIRS and displays cost saving potentials up to 90%.
- WP-072Fluorescence-free 785 nm material ID with MIRA XTR DS
In this White Paper, you will learn about MIRA XTR DS – the smallest, smartest, most flexible handheld Raman system with the largest libraries available on the market! MIRA XTR DS has all the benefits of 785 nm Raman interrogation: compact size, low laser power, sample preservation, long battery lifetimes... now with fluorescence rejection. Additionally, there is improved sensitivity and resolution over 1064 nm systems. This opens up new possibilities for 785 nm Raman, including strongly colored materials, common excipients, illicit materials, and more.
- WP-073On-site detection of hexavalent chromium in protective paint primers
It is widely accepted that prolonged exposure to hexavalent chromium compounds can have dire health effects. This has led to increased regulation of chromium-containing products and greater demand for technologies that can positively identify hexavalent chromium in potential matrices. These include paints, dyes, and primers, which can pose a problem for interrogation with Raman, as strongly colored materials often exhibit fluorescence when stimulated at 785 nm. Fluorescence can obscure the Raman signal and prevent positive identification. MIRA XTR DS provides all the functionality of handheld material ID with a new capability that selectively eXTRacts the Raman signal from fluorescent materials. Fluorescence rejection at 785 nm provides higher sensitivity and resolution than 1064 nm systems, as well as a much wider scope of applications amenable to Raman spectroscopy. MIRA XTR DS offers a comprehensive and versatile material ID test solution for field operations.