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Overcoming difficulties in ion measurement: Tips for standard addition and direct measurement


Ion measurement can be conducted in several different ways, e.g., ion chromatography (IC), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), or atom absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Each of these are well-established, widely used methods in analytical laboratories. However, the initial costs are relatively high.


In contrast, ion measurement by the use of an ion-selective electrode (ISE) is a promising alternative to these costly techniques. This White Paper explains the challenges which may be encountered when applying standard addition or direct measurement, and how to overcome them in order for analysts to gain more confidence with this type of analysis.

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This white paper gives general hints for maximizing reliability and performance of ion-selective electrodes (i.e., correct conditioning, cleaning, storage, and much more), details on the two existing measuring modes (i.e., standard addition and direct measurement), and discusses advantages and disadvantages of each measuring mode.


Metrohm Nordic AS

Sandviksveien 26
1363 Høvik


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// Salts// Water – seawater// Food – plant sources// Food – sweets// Plating baths – other metals// Water – power plant water// Beverages – nonalcoholic// Plating baths – nickel// Soil, sediment, rocks// Brines// Fine chemicals// Food – liquid food, functional food// Basic chemicals// Food – dietary supplements// Food – dairy// Pharmaceutical drugs// Ores, minerals// Water – process water// Water – drinking water, tap water// Other// Food – animal sources// Pharmaceutical solutions// Etching baths pickling baths// Plating baths – copper// Water – others// Colorants – dyes, pigments, paints, inks// Pesticides, fertilizers// Water – ultrapure water (UPW)