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Installation Instruction for a High-Pressure Gradient System


The High-Pressure Gradient system is a Professional IC system for the fully automated determination of anions or cations with suppression, using gradient elution created by two or more high pressure pumps. Up to four different eluents can be mixed using the high-pressure gradient. However, if more than two eluents are required for the gradient, more pumps can be added with 942 Extension Modules. This system safely masters all routine tasks in ion chromatography, is simple to use, flexible, and extremely reliable.

The Application Bulletin describes the recommended equipment and the installation of a 940 Professional IC Vario system with a High-Pressure Gradient as well as the method import and handling in MagIC Net.


Metrohm Korea Ltd.

서울특별시 송파구 정의로 8길, 9, 5층 (AJ 본관)
