요청하신 페이지의 적용되는 국가로 리디렉션되었습니다


Polarographic determination of fructose


Fructose (fruit sugar) is the only ketose that occurs naturally. It is found free in a mixture with dextrose (honey, sweet fruits, tomatoes) or bound as a component of cane sugar and various starch-like carbohydrates. As fructose tastes sweeter than dextrose, it finds great use as a sweetening agent.

In 1932, the polarographic reducibility of sugar was described for the first time by Heyrovsky and Smoler. The following method can be used to determine the fructose content of fruit, fruit juice and honey quantitatively.


Metrohm Korea Ltd.

서울특별시 송파구 정의로 8길, 9, 5층 (AJ 본관)
