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Installation instruction: MVA-25 – 884 Professional VA fully automated for the determination of antioxidants with automatic sample preparation


The «MVA-25» is a fully automated system for the determination of antioxidants in lubricants, including automatic sample preparation. There is only a minimal amount of manual operation required. All other steps of the analysis procedure, including mixing the oil sample with the correct amount of electrolyte, evaluation of peaks, calculation of results, and rinsing the system between samples, are carried out automatically. The system can be used to determine aromatic amine type antioxidants based on ASTM D6971, hindered phenol type antioxidants based on ASTM D6810, or a combination of both methods.

Download AB-445

Method file


Metrohm Korea Ltd.

서울특별시 송파구 정의로 8길, 9, 5층 (AJ 본관)
