Autolab PGSTAT204
- 特長
- 技術仕様
The PGSTAT204 combines the small footprint with a modular design. The instrument includes a base potentiostat/galvanostat with a compliance voltage of 20 V and a maximum current of 400 mA or 10 A in combination with the BOOSTER10A. The potentiostat can be expanded at any time with one additional module, for example the FRA32M electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) module.
The PGSTAT204 is an affordable instrument which can be located anywhere in the lab. Analog and digital inputs/outputs are available to control Autolab accessories and external devices are available. The PGSTAT204 includes a built-in analog integrator. In combination with the powerful NOVA software it can be used for most of the standard electrochemical techniques.
さらに詳しく Autolab PGSTAT204
コンパクトライン | 省スペース&高機能
Autolab社(オートラボ社)製コンパクトシリーズは限られたスペースでも機能を犠牲にしない高性能の電気化学測定装置です.Why コンパクトライン | 省スペース&高機能?
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