

Technical Poster: Haloacetic acids in water


LC-MS/MS quantification methods are commonly used to determine trace levels of organic compounds. However, highly polar reversed phases (RPs) lack sufficient retention for very polar compounds, or they fail for charged organics. Separation using ion chromatography (IC) and subsequent MS/MS detection is an innovative alternative approach that combines the fast elution and flexibility of the IC system with the excellent resolution and high sensitivity of the MS/MS detector. This poster presents a fast, robust and reliable IC-MS/MS method for the detection of HAAs and other ionic analytes using the high-end MS/MS system QTRAP 6500+ from SCIEX coupled to a the 940 Professional IC Vario One SeS/PP/HPG instrument. This analytical setup is able to identify and quantify the presence of HAAs at trace levels with LLODs between 0.02 μg/mL and 0.2 μg/L on a single HAA. This capability easily fulfills the sensitivity requirements specified in EU Drinking Water Directive, which specifies a maximum residue level (MRL) of 60 mg/mL for the sum of monochloroacetic acid, dichloroacetic acid, trichloroacetic acid, monobromoacetic acid and dibromoacetic acid present in the representative sample.

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143-0006 東京都大田区平和島6-1-1
東京流通センター アネックス9階
