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Metrohm wins award from The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Determining Overdose by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (DOSERS)

5 Jan 2023


Metrohm’s SERS expert and inventor of P-SERS strips, Dr. Wei Yu, has been awarded a grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) for a portable Raman-based postmortem toxicology screening method.

Whole blood screening at the scene

Dr. Yu’s powerful platform technology will aid in quick cause-of-death determination from overdose in the field. Determining Overdose by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (DOSERS) starts with a simple and unique whole blood sample processing method. P-SERS printed substrates and Metrohm’s handheld Raman systems facilitate post-mortem detection of fentanyl and other drugs. Even minimally trained users can successfully employ DOSERS in the field.

This award celebrates both the creativity of Dr. Yu and the ability of Metrohm’s SERS materials to help solve a very practical need. SERS applications are increasing daily, and we are excited for the opportunity to advance this technique for diagnostic testing.

Nancy Morris

Nancy Morris ,

Chief Executive Officer at Metrohm Spectro

Metrohm Spectro is comprised of three spectroscopy-centered businesses: Innovative Photonic Solutions (IPS) provides the highest quality laser sources for analytical instruments, B&W Tek is a leading supplier of handheld and laboratory Raman products for diverse markets, Metrohm Raman creates innovative handheld Raman and SERS systems for Pharma RMID and CBRNe threat reduction.