- AN-C-193Alkyl amines in scrubber solutions
Harmful industrial flue gases like H2S and CO2 cause corrosion of pipes and damage the environment. Adding the correct amount of amines in scrubber solutions, e.g. ethanolamines and methylamines, will neutralize these gases («gas sweetening»). Non-suppressed cation analysis with direct conductivity detection is a straightforward and robust technique for the quantification of monoethanolamine (MEA), diethanolamine (DEA), triethanolamine (TEA), monomethylamine (MMA), dimethylamine (DMA), and trimethylamine (TMA) via ion chromatography. Thanks to the high capacity of the Metrosep C 6 column, large volumes can be injected without compromising the peak shapes. The analytical technique can be used at laboratory scale but also for process analysis.
- AN-COR-019Determining the corrosion rate with INTELLO
Tafel analysis is an important electrochemical technique used to understand reaction kinetics. By studying the Tafel slope, it reveals the rate-determining steps in electrode reactions, aiding fields like corrosion and fuel cell research. This method helps industries optimize processes and improve device performance by tailoring materials and conditions for greater efficiency.
- AN-EC-028Measuring hydrogen permeation according to ASTM G148
In this Application Note, hydrogen permeation experiments are conducted following the procedure described in the ASTM standard G148.
- AN-EC-031Monitoring ferrocyanide oxidation using hyphenated EC-Raman
This Application Note highlights the use of Metrohm Hyphenated EC-Raman Solutions to monitor the reversible oxidation of ferrocyanide at a gold electrode. Variations of the band intensities with the potential can be used to track relative changes in the concentration profile of ferrocyanide and ferricyanide at the surface of the electrode during cyclic voltammetry (CV).
- AN-EC-032Hydrogen permeation with a single instrument according to ASTM G148
The Devanathan-Stachurski cell (or «H cell») is successfully used to evaluate the permeation of hydrogen through sheets or membranes. As small amounts of hydrogen pass through the sheet or membrane, a very sensitive potentiostat is required for its detection. A study of the hydrogen permeation properties of different iron sheets is discussed in this Application Note while taking the instrumental requirements into account.
- AN-H-071Determination of ammonium ions by titration with hypochlorite
Determination of ammonium ions in ammonium salts and mixtures containing ammonium ion.
- AN-H-079Determination of free acid in heat exchanger cleaning acid
Determination of free acid in sulfuric acid («acid shot») solutions employed in the removal of silicate scale in heat exchangers. This method is suitable for acid shot solutions where the silicic acid content is so high that the solutions have gelled.
- AN-H-099Determination of potassium hydroxide and silica in alkaline etch solutions
Determination of concentrated potassium hydroxide solutions which had been used for the etching of substrates containing silicon.
- AN-O-043Carbonate impurities in caustic soda
This Application Note describes carbonate determination with ion chromatography in a 50% sodium hydroxide solution. Sodium hydroxide solutions form carbonates through the absorption of carbon dioxide from ambient air. The carbonate content of an NaOH solution is determined using ion-exclusion chromatography with subsequent conductivity detection following inverse suppression. The samples are diluted 1:20 prior to the analysis and – in order to prevent CO2 absorption – stored in closed sample vessels.
- AN-PAN-1018Online analysis of acids, bases, and aluminum in anodizing baths
Anodizing metal surfaces improves resistance against corrosion and wear. Etching baths can be monitored precisely online with the 2060 TI Process Analyzer or 2026 HD Titrolyzer.
- AN-PAN-1046Online Determination of Anions in 50% NaOH and 50% KOH by IC (ASTM E1787-16)
The basic chemicals industry is responsible for producing thousands of raw materials at very large scales. The industries downstream rely upon a certain level of chemical purity to manufacture their own goods, as certain impurities can cause major issues in various processes. During the production of the basic chemicals NaOH and KOH, electrolysis of saturated brine solutions with membrane-cells yield the product which is further concentrated by evaporation. Impurities from the salts used in the brine will also be concentrated. Typically, this impurity analysis is performed offline with various hazardous chemicals with varying shelf-lives. The Process Ion Chromatograph is able to perform the measurement described in ASTM E1787-16 online, ensuring quality product without the need for time-consuming, hazardous laboratory experiments.
- AN-S-068Traces of anions in 15% NaOH after inline sample neutralization using the MSM
Determination of traces of fluoride, chloride, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate in 15% NaOH using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression and inline sample neutralization.
- AN-S-074Traces of chloride, chlorate, and sulfate in soda lye (50% NaOH)
Determination of chloride, chlorate, and sulfate in soda lye (NaOH 50%) after inline neutralization using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-126Five anions in NaOH after inline neutralization
Determination of chloride, bromide, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate in 20% NaOH after inline neutralization by cation exchange on the 793 IC Sample Prep Module using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-190Five anions in a strongly alkaline solution containing 70 g/L vanadate
Determination of chloride, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate in a strongly alkaline solution using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-243Chloride, chlorate, and sulfate in soda lye (50% sodium hydroxide) using Metrohm Inline Sample Neutralization
Determination of chloride, chlorate, and sulfate in soda lye (50% sodium hydroxide) using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after sequential suppression and Metrohm Inline Neutralization.
- AN-S-303Anions in KOH (50%) applying Inline Neutralization and intelligent Partial Loop Injection Technique (MiPT)
Metrohm Inline Neutralization is a well-established sample preparation technique for anion determinations in hydroxide solutions. The intelligent Partial Loop Injection Technique (MiPT) allows to calibrate the system with one single standard solution and to adjust the injection volume according to the anion concentrations in the sample. This method has been successfully applied to anion analysis in potassium hydroxide (50 and 85%) and in potassium carbonate solutions (83%).
- AN-T-234Direct comparison of OMNIS and Titrando for mixed acids and TMAH
This Application Note compares the OMNIS Titrator and 888 Titrando for determinations of nitric acid, phosphoric acid, and acetic acid in an aluminum etching bath, as well as the determination of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH). Identical analysis parameters were used, showing that OMNIS delivers results on par or even better than with other established titration systems.
- AN-T-239Nonaqueous titration of weak bases with perchloric acid
The amine value is an important parameter and quality indicator to determine in chemical processes and pharmaceuticals. This Application Note presents the nonaqueous perchloric acid titration of triethanolamine.
- AN-V-009Cadmium, lead, and copper in brine and sodium hydroxide
Determination of Cd, Pb, and Cu in brine and NaOH.
- AN-V-010Zinc, cadmium, lead, copper, iron, nickel, and cobalt in NaOH in one run
Simultaneous determination of Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Co in 50% NaOH.
- WP-047Optimizing chlor-alkali production through online chemical analysis
Chlorine and caustic soda are used as feedstock materials in myriad production processes for several markets including pulp and paper, petrochem, and pharma. The chlor-alkali process, accounting for 95% of production, depends on the electrolysis of brine, which first requires several steps of purification. This white paper describes the reasoning and benefits for online and inline process analysis over conventional methods for the production of these basic chemicals.
- WP-048Utilizing online chemical analysis to optimize propylene oxide production
Propylene oxide (PO) is a major industrial product used in assorted industrial applications, mainly for the production of polyols (the building blocks for polyurethane plastics). Several production methods exist, with and without co-products. This white paper lays out opportunities to optimize PO production for safer and more efficient processes, higher quality products, and substantial time savings by using online process analysis instead of laboratory measurements.
- WP-063Recommendations for converting a manual titration procedure into an automated titration procedure
This white paper summarizes the steps involved in converting an existing manual titration procedure to semi-automated or automated titration procedures. It discusses topics such as selecting the right electrode and titration mode. For a better understanding, the discussion topics are illustrated with three examples.
- WP-068Recommendations for titration methods validation
The objective of validation of an analytical procedure is to demonstrate that it is suitable for its intended purpose. Recommendations for the validation of analytical methods can be found in ICH Guidance Q2(R1) Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology and in USP General Chapter <1225> Validation of Compendial Procedures. The goal of this white paper is to provide some recommendations for the validation of titration methods.