- 410000051-BIdentification of microplastics with Raman microscopy
Research laboratories must expand their capabilities to routinely analyze candidate microplastics from environmental samples to determine their origin and help predict biological impacts. Spectroscopic techniques are well suited to polymer identification. Laboratory Raman spectroscopy is an alternative to confocal Raman microscopes and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microscopes for quick identification of polymer materials. Raman microscopy was used to identify very small microplastic particles in this Application Note.
- 410000054-ATechnical Note: Method Development with NanoRam®-1064
Although the process of building, validating and using a method is well-defined through software, the robustness of the method is dependent on proper practice of sampling, validation, and method maintenance. In this document, we will detail the recommended practices for using the multivariate method with NanoRam-1064. These practices are recommended for end users who are in the pharmaceutical environment, and can expand to other industries as well. This document aims to serve as a general reference for NanoRam-1064 users who would like to build an SOP for method development, validation and implementation.
- 410000057-ATechnical Note: Spectral Preprocessing for Raman Quantitative Analysis
Raman spectroscopy’s use for process analytics in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries continues to grow due to its nondestructive measurements, fast analysis times, and ability to do both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Spectral preprocessing algorithms are routinely applied to quantitative spectroscopic data in order to enhance spectral features while minimizing variability unrelated to the analyte in question. In this technical note we discuss the main preprocessing options pertinent to Raman spectroscopy with real applications examples, and to review the algorithms available in B&W Tek and Metrohm software so that the reader becomes comfortable applying them to build Raman quantitative models.
- 8.000.6005Hyphenated techniques as modern detection systems in ion chromatography
The coupling of highly efficient ion chromatography (IC) to multi-dimensional detectors such as a mass spectrometer (MS) or an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP/MS) significantly increases sensitivity while simultaneously reducing possible matrix interference to the absolute minimum. By means of IC/MS several oxyhalides such as bromate and perchlorate can be detected in the sub-ppb range. Additionally, organic acids can be precisely quantified through mass-based determination even in the presence of high salt matrices. By means of IC-ICP/MS different valence states of the potentially hazardous chromium, arsenic and selenium in the form of inorganic and organic species can be sensitively and unambiguously identified in one single run.
- 8.000.6014Determination of anions and cations in aerosols by ion chromatography
The study of adverse effects of air pollution requires semi-continuous, rapid and accurate measurements of inorganic species in aerosols and their gas phase components in ambient air. The most promising instruments, often referred to as steam collecting devices, are the Particle-Into-Liquid-Sampler (PILS) coupled to wet-chemical analyzers such as a cation and/or anion chromatograph (IC) and the Monitoring instrument for AeRosols and GAses (MARGA) with two integrated ICs. Both instruments comprise gas denuders, a condensation particle growth sampler as well as pump and control devices. While PILS uses two consecutive fixed denuders and a downstream growth chamber, the MARGA system is composed of a Wet Rotating Denuder (WRD) and a Steam-Jet Aerosol Collector (SJAC). Although the aerosol samplers of PILS and MARGA use different assemblies, both apply the technique of growing aerosol particles into droplets in a supersaturated water vapor environment. Previously mixed with carrier water, the collected droplets are continuously fed into sample loops or preconcentration columns for on-line IC analysis. While PILS has been designed to sample aerosols only, MARGA additionally determines water-soluble gases. Compared to the classical denuders, which remove gases from the air sample upstream of the growth chamber, MARGA collects the gaseous species in a WRD for on-line analysis. In contrast to the gases, aerosols have low diffusion speeds and thus neither dissolve in the PILS denuders nor in the WRD. Proper selection of the ion chromatographic conditions of PILS-IC allows a precise determination, within 4 to 5 minutes, of seven major inorganic species (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, NO3- and SO4 2-) in fine aerosol particles. With longer analysis times (10-15 minutes) even airborne low-molecular-weight organic acids, such as acetate, formate and oxalate can be analyzed. MARGA additionally facilitates the simultaneous determination of HCl, HNO3, HNO2, SO2 and NH3.PILS and MARGA provide semi-continuous, long-term stand-alone measurements (1 week) and can measure particulate pollutants in the ng/m3 range.
- 8.000.6016Advantages of multidimensional ion chromatography for trace analysis
The analytical challenge treated in the present work consists in detecting trace concentrations (ppb) of bromide in the presence of a strong chloride matrix. This problem was overcome by separating the bromide ions from the main fraction of the early eluting chloride matrix (several g/L) by applying two sequential chromatographic separations on the same column. After the first separation, the main fraction of the interfering chloride matrix is flushed to waste, while the later eluting anions are diverted to an anion-retaining preconcentration column. After elution in counter flow, the bromide ions are efficiently separated from the marginal chloride residues. The four-point calibration curves for bromide and sulfate are linear in the range of 10…100 µg/L and 200…800 µg/L and yield correlation coefficients of 0.99988 and 0.99953 respectively. For the method shown here, a second injection valve and a preconcentration column are the only additional devices needed to master this demanding separation problem.
- 8.000.6017Determination of sulfide in mining leachates
Metal precipitation and cyanide recovery in the SART process (sulfidization, acidification, recycling, thickening) depend to a great extent on the sulfide concentration. Among the flow injection analysis methods coupled to wet-chemical analyzers, the combination of a gas diffusion cell with an ion chromatograph (IC) plus subsequent direct spectrophotometric detection has proven to be one of the most convenient methods of sulfide analysis.This paper deals with the determination of sulfide anions via the coupling of a gas diffusion cell to an IC with subsequent spectrophotometric detection.
- 8.000.6021Water analysis
A complete tap water analysis includes the determination of the pH value, the alkalinity and the total water hardness. Both the pH measurement and the pH titration by means of a standard pH electrode suffer from several drawbacks. First, the response time of several minutes is too long and, above all, the stirring rate significantly influences the measured pH value. Unlike these standard pH electrodes, the Aquatrode Plus with its special glass membrane guarantees rapid, correct and very precise pH measurements and pH titrations in solutions that have a low ionic strength or are weakly buffered. Total water hardness is ideally determined by a calcium ion-selective electrode (Ca ISE). In a complexometric titration, calcium and magnesium can be simultaneously determined up to a calcium/magnesium ratio of 10:1. Detection limits for both ions are in the range of 0.01 mmol/L.
- 8.000.6028Ultratrace determination of uranium(VI) in drinking water by adsorptive stripping voltammetry according to DIN 38406-17
A convenient adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetric (AdCSV) method has been developed for trace determination of uranium(VI) in drinking water samples using chloranilic acid (CAA). The presence of various matrix components (KNO3, Cl-, Cu2+, organics) can impair the determination of the uranium-CAA complex. The interferences can be mitigated, however, by appropriate selection of the voltammetric parameters. While problematic water samples still allow uranium determination in the lower µg/L range, in slightly polluted tap water samples uranium can be determined down to the ng/L range, comparable to the determination by current ICP-MS methods.
- 8.000.6053Trace-level determination of perfluorinated compounds in water by suppressed ion chromatography with inline matrix elimination
This poster describes a simple and sensitive method for the determination of perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in water samples by suppressed conductivity detection. Separation was achieved by isocratic elution on a reversed-phase column thermostated at 35 °C using an aqueous mobile phase containing boric acid and acetonitrile. The PFOA and PFOS content in the water matrix was quantified by direct injection applying a 1000 μL loop. For the concentration range of 2 to 50 μg/mL and 10 to 250 μg/mL, the linear calibration curve for PFOA and PFOS yielded correlation coefficients (R) of 0.99990 and 0.9991, respectively. The relative standard deviations were smaller than 5.8%.The presence of high concentrations of mono and divalent anions such as chloride and sulfate has no significant influence on the determination of the perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS). In contrast, the presence of divalent cations, such as calcium and magnesium, which are normally present in water matrices, impairs PFOS recovery. This drawback was overcome by applying Metrohm`s Inline Cation Removal. While the interfering divalent cations are exchanged for non-interfering sodium cations, PFOA and PFOS are directly transferred to the sample loop. After inline cation removal, PFAS recovery in water samples containing 350 mg/mL of Ca2+ and Mg2+ improved from 90…115% to 93…107%.While PFAS determination of low salt-containing water samples is best performed by straightforward direct-injection IC, water rich in alkaline-earth metals are best analyzed using Metrohm`s Inline Cation Removal.
- 8.000.6058Analysis of airborne particulate matter by PILS-IC
This study compares air sampling data obtained by a filter-based method including off-line manual filter extraction followed by ion chromatographic analysis with those gained by an automated Particle-Into-Liquid-Sampler coupled to an ion chromatograph (PILS-IC).PILS-IC is a straightforward instrument for aerosol sampling that provides near real-time measurements for long-term unattended operation and is thus an indispensable tool to monitor rapid changes in aerosol particle ionic composition.
- 8.000.6063Post-column chemistry for improved optical absorption detection
UV/VIS detection is one of the most sensitive detection techniques in trace-level chromatography. Sometimes, however, spectrophotometric detection lacks sensitivity, selectivity or reproducibility and chemical derivatizations are required. By using Metrohm`s rugged and versatile flow-through reactor, single- or multi-step derivatizations can be done fully automatically, in either pre- or post-column mode at any temperature between 25…120 °C. The variable reactor geometry allows to adjust the reactor residence time of the reactants according to derivatization kinetics. The flexibility of the reactor is demonstrated by optimizing four widespread post-column techniques: the relatively slow ninhydrin reaction with amino acids and the fast derivatizations of silicate, bromate and chromate(VI).
- 8.000.6071Trace-level determination of anions in the primary circuit of a PWR-type nuclear power plant using ion chromatography after inline sample preparation
The poster presents the ion chromatographic determination of organic degradation products such as glycolate, formate and acetate besides the standard anions fluoride, chloride, nitrate and sulfate.
- 8.000.6072Trace-level determination of cations in the secondary circuit of a PWR-type nuclear power plant using ion chromatography after inline sample preparation
The presented IC system with inline sample preparation allows the determination of traces of lithium and sodium (ppt) in the presence of ppm quantities of ammonium and ethanolamine.
- 8.000.6074Influence of pH, temperature, and molybdate concentration on the performance of the triiodide method for the trace-level determination of bromate (EPA 326)
This poster discusses results showing the influence of pH, temperature of the post-column reactor, eluent composition, and iodide concentration on the sensitivity of the triiodide method.
- 8.000.6085Monitoring of iodine- and gadolinium-containing contrast media in water treatment plants
The combination of ion chromatography (IC) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP/MS) provides a rapid, reliable, and sensitive speciation analysis of wastewater-relevant free and complexed gadolinium compounds. IC-ICP/MS proceeds without costly sample preparation and provides important information on the supply, degradation, and fate of the contrast agents in the (waste)water. The method is also highly suitable for determining compounds containing gadolinium in biological matrixes such as urine or blood.Additionally, IC-ICP/MS is a powerful tool for monitoring inorganic and iodine-containing ionic oxidation byproducts that form during ozonation of iodinated X-contrast media.
- 8.000.6086Semi-continuous determination of anions, cations, and heavy metals in aerosols using PILS-IC-VA
This poster presents an approach that couples a Particle-Into-Liquid-Sampler (PILS) to a dual-channel ion chromatograph (IC) for measurement of aerosol anions and cations and a voltammetric measuring stand (VA) to determine the heavy metals. Feasibility of the PILS-IC-VA online system was demonstrated by collecting aerosol samples in Herisau Switzerland, at defined time intervals; air pollution events were simulated by burning lead- and cadmium-coated sparklers.
- 8.000.6087Determination of hexavalent chromium in drinking water according to a U.S. EPA Method
This poster looks at the possibility to modify the existing EPA Method to meet California's rigorous public health goal (PHG) of 0.02 µg/L. After optimizing instrument settings and method parameters, a method detection limit (MDL) of 0.01 µg/L is obtained.
- 8.000.6093Determination of arsenic in water with the gold electrode (scTRACE Gold)
Because of its toxicity, the World Health Organization recommends a maximum arsenic content in drinking water of 10 μg/L. Anodic stripping voltammetry with the scTRACE Gold offers a straightforward, highly affordable alternative to spectroscopic determination.
- 8.000.6101Analysis of Anions and Oxoanions using Ion Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (IC-MS)
Ion chromatography tackles difficult separation problems of various ionic species and typically works with conductivity detection. Mass detection as a secondary independent detector significantly lowers the detection limits and confirms the identity of analytes even when coeluting. This poster describes how the combination of IC-MS and automated sample preparation techniques cope with the analysis of anions and oxoanions in challenging matrices such as soil or explosion residues.
- 8.000.6103Speciation of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) by IC-ICP-MS and Empower 3
This poster demonstrates the feasibility of coupling a Metrohm IC system to a PerkinElmer NexION ICP-MS, operated under Empower 3 Software.Using a Metrosep Carb 2 column, the chromatographic separation of both species was achieved with a high resolution. Low background and high sensitivity allow determination in the low ng/L range.Optimal separation and full complexation of Cr(III) is already possible with EDTA concentrations from 40 μmol/L in low matrix solutions and may need to be increased depending on the sample matrix.Handling of the system was easy and user friendly. It was shown that speciation of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) can be carried out on this system utilizing a professional data system for acquisition, processing, and reporting.
- 8.000.6112Technical Poster: Haloacetic acids in water
LC-MS/MS quantification methods are commonly used to determine trace levels of organic compounds. However, highly polar reversed phases (RPs) lack sufficient retention for very polar compounds, or they fail for charged organics. Separation using ion chromatography (IC) and subsequent MS/MS detection is an innovative alternative approach that combines the fast elution and flexibility of the IC system with the excellent resolution and high sensitivity of the MS/MS detector. This poster presents a fast, robust and reliable IC-MS/MS method for the detection of HAAs and other ionic analytes using the high-end MS/MS system QTRAP 6500+ from SCIEX coupled to a the 940 Professional IC Vario One SeS/PP/HPG instrument. This analytical setup is able to identify and quantify the presence of HAAs at trace levels with LLODs between 0.02 μg/mL and 0.2 μg/L on a single HAA. This capability easily fulfills the sensitivity requirements specified in EU Drinking Water Directive, which specifies a maximum residue level (MRL) of 60 mg/mL for the sum of monochloroacetic acid, dichloroacetic acid, trichloroacetic acid, monobromoacetic acid and dibromoacetic acid present in the representative sample.
- 8.000.6113Determination of Trace Level Lead (Pb) in Drinking Water Using a Mercury-Free Electrode and a Portable InstrumentAccording to the Requirements of USEPA Lead and Copper Rule
Lead is known to be highly toxic, and lead salts are easily resorbed by humans. Cases of chronic lead poisoning caused by lead metal used in the water piping system are well known. Therefore, the control of drinking water for lead content is of utmost importance. The Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) published by the USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) states an action limit of 15 μg/L lead for drinking water. Using a portable voltammetric instrument, lead can be determined in these concentrations directly at the point of sampling.
- AB-027Potentiometric titration of chloride and bromide in the presence of each other
If chloride and bromide are present in approximately equal molar concentrations they can be titrated directly with silver nitrate solution after addition of barium acetate. If, however, the molar ratio n(Br-) : n(Cl-) changes from 1 : 1 to 1 : 5, 1 : 10, 5 : 1 or 10 : 1 then greater relative errors must be expected with this method. The Bulletin describes an additional titration method that allows bromide to be determined in the presence of a large excess of chloride. The determination of small chloride concentrations in the presence of a large excess of bromide is not possible by titration.
- AB-036Half wave potentials of metal ions for the determination by polarography
In the following tables, the half-wave potentials or peak potentials of 90 metal ions are listed. The half-wave potentials (listed in volts) are measured at the dropping mercury electrode (DME) at 25 °C unless indicated otherwise.
- AB-046Potentiometric determination of cyanide
The determination of cyanide is very important not only in electroplating baths and when decontaminating wastewater but, due to its high toxicity, also in water samples in general. Concentrations of 0.05 mg/L CN- can already be lethal for fish.This Bulletin describes the determination of cyanide in samples of different concentrations by potentiometric titration.Chemical reactions:2 CN- + Ag+ → [Ag(CN)2]-[Ag(CN)2]- + Ag+ → 2 AgCN
- AB-057Polarographic determination of nicotine
The quantitative determination of the alkaloid nicotine, which is an essential constituent of the tobacco plant, can be carried out by polarography. The quantification limit is less than 0.1 mg/L in the polarographic vessel.
- AB-070Polarographic determination of nitrate in water samples, soil and plant extracts, vegetable juices, meat and sausages, fertilizers, liquid manure, etc.
The photometric determination of nitrate is limited by the fact that the respective methods (salicylic acid, brucine, 2,6-dimethyl phenol, Nesslers reagent after reduction of nitrate to ammonium) are subject to interferences. The direct potentiometric determination using an ion-selective nitrate electrode causes problems in the presence of fairly large amounts of chloride or organic compounds with carboxyl groups. The polarographic method, on the other hand, is not only more rapid, but also practically insensitive to chemical interference, thus ensuring more accurate results. The limit of quantification depends on the matrix of the sample and is approximately 1 mg/L.
- AB-071pH value and oxidation reduction potential in soil samples – Determination according to EN 15933, ISO 10390, and ASTM D4972
The pH value and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) of soil provide important information about soil properties, such as solubility of minerals and ion mobility. Knowledge of these properties allows making predictions concerning plant growth, bacterial activity, nutrients that may be needed, possible corrosive effects on buildings, etc.Here, the determination of the pH value is described according to ISO 10390, EN 15933 and ASTM D4972. Th oxidation reduction potential determination is carried out in a suspension.
- AB-074Determination of antimony, bismuth, and copper by anodic stripping voltammetry
This Application Bulletin describes the voltammetric determination of the elements antimony, bismuth, and copper. The limit of detection for the three elements is 0.5 ... 1 µg/L.
- AB-076Polarographic determination of nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) according to DIN 38413 part 5
According to the described method, NTA and EDTA can be determined in mass concentrations of 0.05 mg/L up to 25 mg/L in polluted water and wastewater.At first NTA and EDTA are converted to the corresponding Bi complexes by addition of Bi3+ ions at a pH value of 2.0. As these Bi complexes have significantly different peak potentials, they can be determined simultaneously by DP polarography. The interfering anions nitrite, sulfite, and sulfide are removed from the sample by acidification and purging. Interfering cations are removed by cation exchange; any NTA or EDTA heavy metal complexes present in the sample are disintegrated during this procedure. To remove surfactants and other organic components interfering with the analysis, the sample solution is run through a column filled with non-polar adsorber resin.
- AB-083Determination of sodium with the ion-selective electrode
The determination of sodium with the sodium ISE represents a selective, rapid, accurate, and favorably-priced method which is described in this Bulletin. Examples are used to show how determinations can be carried out with the 692 pH/Ion Meter using either direct measurement or the standard addition technique. The sodium concentration has been determined in standard solutions, water samples (tap water, mineral water, wastewater), foodstuffs (spinach, baby food), and urine. The construction, working principles, and areas of application of the two Metrohm ion-selective sodium electrodes – the 6.0501.100 Glass membrane ISE and the 6.0508.100 Polymer membrane ISE – are explained in detail.
- AB-096Determination of mercury at the rotating gold electrode by anodic stripping voltammetry
This Application Bulletin describes the determination of mercury by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) at the rotating gold electrode. With a deposition time of 90 s, the calibration curve is linear from 0.4 to 15 μg/L; the limit of quantification is 0.4 μg/L.The method has primarily been drawn up for investigating water samples. After appropriate digestion, the determination of mercury is possible even in samples with a high load of organic substances (wastewater, food and semi-luxuries, biological fluids, pharmaceuticals).
- AB-101Complexometric titrations with the Cu ISE
This Bulletin describes the complexometric potentiometric titration of metal ions. An ion-selective copper electrode is used to indicate the endpoint of the titration. Since this electrode does not respond directly to complexing agents, the corresponding Cu complex is added to the solution. With the described electrode, it is possible to determine water hardness and to analyze metal concentrations in electroplating baths, metal salts, minerals, and ores. The following metal ions have been determined: Al3+, Ba2+, Bi3+, Ca2+, Co2+, Fe3+, Mg2+, Ni2+, Pb2+, Sr2+, and Zn2+.
- AB-110Determination of free cyanide by polarography
This Application Bulletin describes a polarographic method for the determination of cyanide that allows to determine free cyanide fast and accurately. The determination also succeeds in solutions containing sulfides, where other methods fail. Cyanide concentrations in the range b(CN–) = 0.01...10 mg/L cause no problems. Interference caused by anions and complexed cyanides has been investigated.
- AB-113Determination of cadmium, lead and copper in foodstuffs, waste water and sewage sludge by anodic stripping voltammetry after digestion
Cadmium, lead, and copper can be determined simultaneously in oxalate buffer by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) after digestion with sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide. Tin present in the sample does not interfere with the determination of lead.For the voltammetric determination of tin please refer to Application Bulletin no. 176.
- AB-114Determination of copper, nickel, cobalt, zinc, and iron in a single operation by polarography
Cu2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, and Fe2+/Fe3+ are determined simultaneously. Interference due to the presence of other metals is mentioned, and methods given to eliminate it. The threshold of determination is ρ = 20 µg/L for Co and Ni, and ρ = 50 µg/L each for Cu, Zn, and Fe.
- AB-116Determination of chromium in small quantities by polarography and adsorptive stripping voltammetry after digestion
This Application Bulletin describes methods for the polarographic and voltammetric determination of small quantities of chromium in water, effluent water and biological samples. Methods for the sample preparation for various matrices are given.
- AB-117Determination of selenium by cathodic stripping voltammetry
In the past, selenium determinations have always been either unreliable or have required complicated methods. However, as selenium is on the one hand an essential trace element (vegetable and animal tissues contain about 10 μg/kg), while on the other hand it is very toxic (threshold value 0.1 mg/m3), it is very important to cover determinations in the micro range. Cathodic stripping voltammetry (CSV) enables selenium to be determined in mass concentrations down to ρ(Se(IV)) = 0.3 μg/L.
- AB-119Potentiometric determination of trace bromide and iodide in chlorides
Bromide is removed from the sample as BrCN by distillation. The BrCN is absorbed in sodium hydroxide solution and decomposed with concentrated sulfuric acid, then the released bromide ions are determined by potentiometric titration with silver nitrate solution. Iodide does not interfere with the determination.Iodide is oxidized to iodate by hypobromite. After destruction of the excess hypobromite, the potentiometric titration (of the iodine released from iodate) is carried out with sodium thiosulfate solution. Bromide does not interfere, even in great excess.The described methods allow the determination of bromide and iodide in the presence of a large excess of chloride (e.g., in brine, seawater, sodium chloride, etc.).
- AB-121Determination of nitrate with the ion-selective electrode
It has been known for years that consuming too much nitrates from foodstuffs can result in cyanosis, particularly for small children and susceptible adults. According to the WHO standard, the hazard level lies at a mass concentration c(NO3-) ≥ 50 mg/L. However, more recent studies have shown that when nitrate concentrations in the human body are too high, they can (via nitrite) result in the formation of carcinogenic and even more hazardous nitrosamines.Known photometric methods for the determination of the nitrate anion are time-consuming and prone to a wide range of interferences. With nitrate analysis continually increasing in importance, the demand for a selective, rapid, and relatively accurate method has also increased. Such a method is described in this Application Bulletin. The Appendix contains a cselection of application examples where nitrate concentrations have been determined in water samples, soil extracts, fertilizers, vegetables, and beverages.
- AB-123Determination of manganese in water samples by anodic stripping voltammetry
"A sensitive methods to determine manganese is described. It is primarily suitable for the investigation of ground, drinking and surface waters, in which the concentration of manganese is important. The method can naturally also be used for trace analysis in other matrices.Manganese is determined in an alkaline borate buffer by the anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV). Interference by intermetallic compounds is prevented by the addition of zinc ions in the sample. The limit of determination lies at b(Mn) = 2 µg/L."
- AB-125Simultaneous determination of calcium, magnesium, and alkalinity by complexometric titration with potentiometric or photometric indication in water and beverage samples
This bulletin describes the determination of calcium, magnesium, and alkalinity in water by complexometric titration with EDTA as titrant. It is grouped into two parts, the potentiometric determination and the photometric determination.There are multiple definitions of the different types of water hardness. In this Application Bulletin, the following definitions are used: alkalinity, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, total hardness, and permanent hardness. Explanations of these definitions and other expressions are provided in the Appendix.Determination of alkalinity during the photometric part is carried out in a separate acid-base titration before the complexometric titration of calcium and magnesium in water. Permanent hardness can be calculated from these values. The determination of calcium and magnesium in beverages (fruit and vegetable juices, wine) is also described.The photometric part includes the determinations of total and calcium hardness and thereby indirectly magnesium hardness using Eriochrome Black T and calconcarboxylic acid as indicators (in accordance with DIN 38406-3).
- AB-129Potentiometric determination of orthophosphates, metaphosphates, and polyphosphates
After acid digestion, the sample solution is neutralized with sodium hydroxide to form sodium dihydrogen phosphate. An excess of lanthanum nitrate is added and the released nitric acid is then titrated with sodium hydroxide solution.NaH2PO4 + La(NO3)3 → LaPO4 + 2 HNO3 + NaNO3This determination method is suitable for higher phosphate concentrations.
- AB-130Chloride titrations with potentiometric indication
Potentiometric titration is an accurate method for determining chloride content. For detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips, download our Application Bulletin.
- AB-131Determination of aluminum by adsorptive stripping voltammetry
This Application Bulletin describes a voltammetric method for the determination of aluminum in water samples, dialysis solutions, sodium chloride solutions and digestion solutions (e.g. of lyophilisates). The method utilizes the complexation of the Al3+ ion by Calcon (Eriochrome blue black R). The formed complex can easily be reduced electrochemically at 60 °C. The limit of quantitation depends on the purity of the reagents used and is approx. 5 µg/L.
- AB-133Determination of ammonia with the ion-selective electrode – Tips and tricks for a reliable determination according to common standards
Although the known photometric methods for the determination of ammonia/ammonium are accurate, they require a considerable amount of time (Nessler method 30 min, indophenol method 90 min reaction time). A further disadvantage of these methods is that only clear solutions can be measured. Opaque solutions must first be clarified by time-consuming procedures. These problems do not exist with the ion-selective ammonia electrode. Measurements can be easily performed in waste water, liquid fertilizer, and urine as well as in soil extracts. Especially for fresh water and waste water samples several standards, such as ISO 6778, EPA 350.2, EPA 305.3 and ASTM D1426, describe the analysis of ammonium by ion measurement. In this Application Bulletin, the determination according to these standards is described besides the determination of other samples as well as some general tips and tricks on how to handle the ammonia ion selective electrode. Determination of ammonia in ammonium salts, of the nitric acid content in nitrates, and of the nitrogen content of organic compounds with the ion-selective ammonia electrode is based on the principle that the ammonium ion is released as ammonia gas upon addition of excess caustic soda:NH4+ + OH- = NH3 + H2OThe outer membrane of the electrode allows the ammonia to diffuse through. The change in the pH value of the inner electrolyte solution is monitored by a combined glass electrode. If the substance to be measured is not present in the form of an ammonium salt, it must first be converted into one. Organic nitrogen compounds, especially amino compounds are digested according to Kjeldahl by heating with concentrated sulfuric acid. The carbon is oxidized to carbon dioxide in the process while the organic nitrogen is transformed quantitatively into ammonium sulfate.
- AB-134Determination of potassium with an ion-selective electrode
Potassium is one of the most common elements and can be found in many different minerals and other potassium compounds. It is of importance for humans, animals and plants as it is an essential mineral nutrient and involved in many cellular functions like cell metabolism and cell growth. For these reasons, it is important to be able to declare the potassium content of food or soil to reduce problems that may arise by a potassium deficiency or extensive consumption.This bulletin describes an alternative to flame photometric method using an ion selective electrode and direct measurement or standard addition technique. Several potassium determinations in different matrices using the combined potassium ion-selective electrode (ISE) are presented here. Additionally, general hints, tips and tricks for best measurement practice are given.
- AB-146Determination of trace amounts of molybdenum (or tungsten) in water by polarography
"Molybdenum is an essential trace element for plant growth. Since it occurs in natural waters only in trace amount, a very sensitive method of determination is needed. Using the following polarographic method, it is possible to determine 5·10-10 mol/L resp. 50 ng/L.The principle of the method is based on the reaction between the molybdate ion MoO42- and the complexing agent 8-hydroxy-7-iodo-quinoline-5-sulfonic acid (H2L) to form a MoO2L22- complex, which is adsorbed on the mercury electrode. The adsorbed Mo(VI) is reduced electrochemically to the Mo(V) complex. The hydrogen ions present in the solution oxidize Mo(V) again spontaneously to form the Mo(VI) complex, which is thus newly available for electrochemical reduction. This catalytic reaction is the reason for the high sensitivity of the method.Tungsten W(VI) exhibits practically the same electrochemical behavior as molybdenum, but is not described in detail in this Application Bulletin."
- AB-176Determination of lead and tin by anodic stripping voltammetry
In most electrolytes the peak potentials of lead and tin are so close together, that a voltammetric determination is impossible. Difficulties occur especially if one of the metals is present in excess.Method 1 describes the determination of Pb and Sn. Anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) is used under addition of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. This method is used when:• one is mainly interested in Pb• Pb is in excess• Sn/Pb ratio is not higher than 200:1According to method 1, Sn and Pb can be determined simultaneously if the difference in the concentrations is not too high and Cd is absent.Method 2 is applied when traces of Sn and Pb are found or interfering TI and/or Cd ions are present. This method also uses DPASV in an oxalate buffer with methylene blue addition.