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Optimizing chlor-alkali production through online chemical analysis


Chlorine and caustic soda are used as feedstock materials in myriad production processes for several markets including pulp and paper, petrochem, and pharma. The chlor-alkali process, accounting for 95% of production, depends on the electrolysis of brine, which first requires several steps of purification. This white paper describes the reasoning and benefits for online and inline process analysis over conventional methods for the production of these basic chemicals.

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This white paper outlines the principal methods used to produce chlorine and caustic soda (or potash), with a strong focus on membrane cell technology, key variables involved in the electrolysis of brine to overcome costly membrane fouling, advantages and benefits for choosing online chemical analysis over manual sampling and offline laboratory methods, with specific examples and cost savings. The white paper includes several online and inline process application solutions for the chlor-alkali industry with related application notes.


Metrohm SA

1 Bridle Close
2052 Woodmead
