Application Finder
- 8.000.6045Trace-level aliphatic amines in cationic pharmaceutical ingredients
The analytical challenge treated by the present work consists in detecting sub-ppb concentrations of low-molecular-weight amines in the presence of strongly retained cationic drugs by using ion chromatography (IC) with upstream inline coupled-column matrix elimination (CCME). In contrast to direct-injection IC, where the late elution of strongly retained drugs requires eluents with added acetonitrile, the CCME technique uses two preconcentration columns in series. In an «inverse matrix elimination step, cationic drug and target amines are trapped on a high-capacity and a very-high-capacity preconcentration column, respectively. During amine determination, a rinsing solution flushes the drug to waste. This significantly shortens the analysis time and improves sensitivity as well as selectivity. Besides the determination of monomethylamine in Nebivolol hydrochloride discussed here, the CCME technique is a promising tool for detecting further low-molecular-weight amines in a wide range of drugs.
- 8.000.6078Water determination in pharmaceuticals using an automated Karl Fischer Oven Technique
The poster describes the water determination in pharmaceuticals using the Karl Fischer oven technique.
- 8.000.6102Ion chromatography – the all-rounder for pharmaceutical analysis
Pharmaceutical analysis guarantees drug safety by providing information on the identity, content, quality, purity, and stability of pharmaceutical products using analytical chemistry. Ion chromatography (IC) offers a broad range of pharmacopeia-compliant applications for quality control, monitoring, and improving drug manufacturing.As a very accurate and versatile technique, IC meets the requirements of many pharmaceutical applications. IC is a USP-accepted standard method for the determination of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), excipients, impurities,pharmaceutical solutions as well as pharmaceutical starting materials, finished pharmaceutical products (FPPs) and even body fluids.This poster describes some typical examples.
- 8.000.6106Potassium Assay in OTC Drug Products by Ion Chromatography
This poster presented jointly with USP at AAPS meeting shows, that we successfully developed and validated a single IC procedure for potassium assay and identification in potassium bicarbonate and potassium chloride for effervescent oral suspension. The optimized chromatographic conditions could be used for other cationic impurities, such as magnesium, calcium, sodium, and ammonium in potassium bicarbonate and potassium chloride for effervescent oral suspension. Single chromatographic method for assay and identification simplifies the overall QA/QC workflow.
- 8.000.6107USP Modernization Initiative: Ionic Impurities in Drug Substances by Ion Chromatography
This poster presented jointly with USP at AAPS meeting shows, that we successfully validated an IC method to determine chloride and sulfate in drug substances, potassium bicarbonate and potassium carbonate. The proposed IC method overcomes limitations of the turbidimetry/visual comparison methods.
- 8.000.6111Fully Automated Determination of pH Using Flow Cell Technology
A high throughput automated system was developed to determine pH of culture media using a pH module equipped with an external flow cell. A custom septum-piercing, vented needle was developed to accommodate the shape and size of the customer sample vials. For this application, both accurate and precise pH measurements were required. The data presented in this document was collected by a customer as a part of their validation process and was provided for use with their consent.
- AB-096Determination of mercury at the rotating gold electrode by anodic stripping voltammetry
This Application Bulletin describes the determination of mercury by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) at the rotating gold electrode. With a deposition time of 90 s, the calibration curve is linear from 0.4 to 15 μg/L; the limit of quantification is 0.4 μg/L.The method has primarily been drawn up for investigating water samples. After appropriate digestion, the determination of mercury is possible even in samples with a high load of organic substances (wastewater, food and semi-luxuries, biological fluids, pharmaceuticals).
- AB-130Chloride titrations with potentiometric indication
Potentiometric titration is an accurate method for determining chloride content. For detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips, download our Application Bulletin.
- AB-131Determination of aluminum by adsorptive stripping voltammetry
This Application Bulletin describes a voltammetric method for the determination of aluminum in water samples, dialysis solutions, sodium chloride solutions and digestion solutions (e.g. of lyophilisates). The method utilizes the complexation of the Al3+ ion by Calcon (Eriochrome blue black R). The formed complex can easily be reduced electrochemically at 60 °C. The limit of quantitation depends on the purity of the reagents used and is approx. 5 µg/L.
- AB-140Titrimetric sulfate determination
This Bulletin describes three potentiometric, one photometric, one thermometric and one conductometric titration method for sulfate determination. The question of which indication method is the most suitable depends primarily on the sample matrix.Method 1: Precipitation as barium sulfate and back titration of the Ba2+ surplus with EGTA. Use of the ion-selective calcium electrode as indicator electrode.Method 2: As with Method 1, although with the electrode combination tungsten/platinum.Method 3: Precipitation titration in semi-aqueous solution with lead nitrate in accordance with the European Pharmacopoeia using the ion-selective lead electrode as indicator electrode.Method 4: Photometric titration with lead nitrate, dithizone indicator and the Optrode 610 nm, particularly suitable for low concentrations (up to 5 mg SO42- in the sample solution).Method 5: Thermometric precipitation titration with Ba2+ in aqueous solution, particularly suitable for fertilizers.Method 6: Conductometric titration with barium acetate in accordance with DIN 53127
- AB-199Determination of sulfide and sulfite by polarography
Sulfide and sulfite can be determined polarographically without any problems. For sulfide, polarography is performed in an alkaline solution, for sulfite in a slightly acidic primary solution. The method is suitable for the analysis of pharmaceuticals (infusion solutions), wastewater/flue gas water, photographic solutions, etc.
- AB-251Polarographic determination of cinchocaine (dibucaine) in pharmaceutical preparations
Cinchocaine (dibucaine) is used in the form of ointments or injection solutions as a local anaesthetic. Its base is soluble in diethyl ether; its hydrochloride, on the other hand, is insoluble in diethyl ether but easily soluble in water. This Bulletin describes the determination of cinchocaine in ointments, creams and injection solutions by means of differential pulse polarography. An acetate buffer pH = 4.8 is used as the supporting electrolyte. The limit of quantitation and the linear working range of the method are given. The necessary sample preparation steps are also dealt with in this Bulletin.
- AB-268Potentiometric titration of surfactants and pharmaceuticals – an overview
The present Bulletin offers an overview of the multitude of surfactants and pharmaceuticals that can be determined with potentiometric titration. Metrohm provides five different surfactant electrodes for indicating the titration endpoint: the Ionic Surfactant, the High Sense, the Surfactrode Resistant, the Surfactrode Refill and the NIO Surfactant electrode. The manufacture of the respective titrants and their titer determination are described in detail. In addition to this, the Bulletin contains a tabular overview of more than 170 proven applications from the area of surfactant and pharmaceutical analysis. This guideline leads you reliably to your destination: At a glance you can see from the table which surfactant electrode and which titrant are optimally suitable for your product.
- AB-269Potentiometric determination of ionic surfactant through two-phase titration with the Surfactrode
On the basis of a multitude of practical examples, this Bulletin describes the potentiometric two-phase titration of ionic surfactants in raw materials and many other formulations.Two surfactant electrodes – the Surfactrode Resistant and the Surfactrode Refill – make it possible to perform this type of surfactant titration, analogous to the classic "Epton titration", with a high degree of automation. The achieved results correlate very well with those of Epton titration. The toxic, carcinogenic and environmentally hazardous chloroform can be replaced by other solvents such as methyl iosbutyl ketone or n-hexane.
- AB-410Pharmaceutical analysis using near-infrared spectroscopy
The present Application Bulletin contains NIR applications and feasibility studies using NIRSystems devices in the pharmaceutical industry. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of a wide variety of samples are part of this bulletin. Each application describes the instrument that was originally used for the analysis, as well as the system recommended for the analysis and the results that were achieved thereby.
- AB-428Automatic conductometry in water samples with low electrical conductivity in accordance with USP<645>
This Bulletin describes the automatic measurement of conductivity in water samples with low electrical conductivity in accordance with USP<645>. Conductivity measurement is demonstrated on the example of ultrapure water, which is used, among other things, to produce injection solutions in the pharmaceutical sector.
- AN-C-022Sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium in a drip feeding formula using dialysis for sample preparation
Determination of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium in a drip feeding formula using cation chromatography with direct conductivity detection and dialysis as sample preparation.
- AN-C-085Betaine in an Echinacea product
Determination of betaine in the presence of standard cations in an Echinacea product using cation chromatography with direct conductivity detection.
- AN-C-086Zinc and standard cations in infusion solutions
Determination of zinc, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium in an infusion solution using cation chromatography with direct conductivity detection.
- AN-C-178Aspartic acid, glutamic acid, TRIS, sodium, and potassium in cardioplegic solution
A cardioplegic solution protects the ischemic myocardium from cell death. It is applied together with hypothermia e.g. in open heart surgery. Here the simultaneous determination of aspartic acid, glutamic acid, tris(aminomethyl)aminomethane (TRIS), sodium and potassium in such a solution is given. The two amino acids can be determined as they are partially in the triple protonated ammonium form at the eluent pH. Determination is achieved by direct conductivity detection.
- AN-C-196Purity quantification of tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (TRIS) with IC
Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (TRIS) is often used in life science applications and its purity must be monitored. This analysis is possible with ion chromatography.
- AN-C-197Potassium assay in potassium citrate and citric acid oral solution
Potassium citrate and citric acid oral solutions act as systemic alkalizers. Potassium assays, validated per USP <621> and <1225>, use IC with L76 cation-exchange columns.
- AN-CIC-005Iodine in a pharmaceutical product using Combustion Ion Chromatography with Inline Matrix Elimination
The iodine content in numerous iodized X-ray contrast media (ICM) is around 50% and is determined with great accuracy using Combustion Ion Chromatography. Large quantities of H2O2 (1,000 mg/L) are required for complete absorption of the iodine. Similarly, the concentration of the internal standard should be 50 mg/L. The water content of the X-ray contrast media is determined by means of Metrohm's Karl Fischer oven method and incorporated in the final calculation.Keyword: pyrohydrolysis
- AN-CS-021Sodium in sodium bicarbonate and sodium phosphates compounded injections
Compounded injections of sodium bicarbonate are sterile solutions for correcting metabolic acidosis and other conditions requiring systemic alkalinization. Compounded injections of sodium phosphates serve as a phosphate source to either prevent or correct hypophosphatemia in patients with restricted oral intake. Ion chromatography (IC) with suppressed conductivity detection is the standardized way to accurately quantify sodium in these solutions.
- AN-D-003Quality control of dialysis concentrates
Ion chromatography (IC) provides an automated, fast, and sensitive solution to accurately quantify cationic and anionic components including acetate simultaneously. This comprehensive approach makes IC an economic alternative to traditional techniques for the quality control of pharmaceutical solutions like haemodialysis concentrates. Ease-of use, accuracy, and the high-throughput of IC increase productivity and comply with the demands of modern routine and research labs.
- AN-H-144Ferrous iron in iron sucrose injection
Iron sucrose injections are used during the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. They contain a mixture of ferric iron (Fe3+) and ferrous iron (Fe2+). Ferrous iron content may be determined by subtracting the ferric iron content from the total determined iron content. Yet, this increases the measurement error due to error propagation. Alternative determination of iron(II) with cerium(IV) by potentiometric titration may be hampered, as the equivalence point cannot be determined unequivocally. Determination by thermometric titration is a more robust and therefore more reliable alternative, as this method is unaffected by the sample matrix. Here, the endpoint of the titration is indicated by a fast responding thermometric sensor. Endpoint detection is further improved by spiking the sample with 0.2% ammonium iron(II) sulfate (FAS), increasing the reliability of the determination. Compared to potentiometric titration, thermometric titration is faster and more convenient as no sensor maintenance is required. One determination takes about 2–3 minutes.
- AN-K-004Water in lyophilizates (e.g., vaccines in sample vials)
The water content of lyophilisates contained in vials is determined by Karl Fischer titration. Conditioned solvent (methanol) is injected into the vial to dissolve the sample and extract the water (ultrasonic bath). Afterwards the contents of the vial are transferred to the titration vessel to carry out the automatic determination.
- AN-K-039Water in penicillin-G-potassium
This application note describes the water content determination in penicillin by using volumetric Karl Fischer titration. Unwanted side reactions can be avoided by using special solvent mixtures.
- AN-N-012Acetate, lactate, and chloride in electrolyte solutions
Determination of acetate, lactate, and chloride in electrolyte solutions using anion chromatography with direct conductivity detection.
- AN-N-051Acetate, chloride, citrate, and sulfate in a concentrate of an infusion solution containing amino acids and dipeptides
Determination of acetate, chloride, citrate, and sulfate in a concentrate of an infusion solution using anion chromatography with direct conductivity detection. Non-suppressed IC is used to avoid interferences by the amino acids.
- AN-N-061Acetate, chloride, and malate in infusion solutions
Determination of acetate, chloride, and malate in an infusion solution using anion chromatography with direct conductivity detection.
- AN-N-062Acetate, phosphate, chloride, and citrate in infusion solutions
Determination of acetate, phosphate, chloride, and citrate in an infusion solution using anion chromatography with direct conductivity detection.
- AN-NIR-042Quantification of USP heparin units using near-infrared spectroscopy
Heparin acts as an efficient anticoagulant and, in addition to direct injection, is also used as a lock-flush solution for rinsing catheters. Vis-NIR spectroscopy can be used to determine the strength of contaminated and purified heparin. This Application Note demonstrates that heparin strength can be determined reliably with Vis-NIR spectroscopy.
- AN-NIR-076Quality control of polyvinyl alcohol
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a linear polymer, used in a variety of medical products (e.g. eye drops). Here, the degree of alcoholysis is an important index for the water solubility, viscosity, and adhesion of the product. The degree of alcoholysis is defined as the percentage of hydroxyl functional groups compared to the total functional groups accessible in the molecule. Conventional alcoholysis determination can take up to six hours per sample. Compared to the primary method, analysis with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) only takes one minute. The following application note describes the determination of the degree of alcoholysis by NIRS.
- AN-NIR-099Quality Control of fermentation broths
Cell fermentation processes are a reliable production method for small molecules and protein-based active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). The fermentation process requires monitoring of many different parameters to ensure optimal production. These quality parameters include pH, bacterial content, potency, glucose, and concentration of reducing sugars. Traditional laboratory analysis takes a significant amount of time and requires different analytical techniques to monitor these different quality parameters. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) offers a faster and more cost-efficient alternative to traditional methods for the determination of critical parameters in fermentation broths at any stage of the fermentation process.
- AN-NIR-122Quantification of water in lactose with the OMNIS NIRS Analyzer
This Application Note shows how easy it is to determine water content in the pharmaceutical excipient lactose with reagent-free near-infrared spectroscopy.
- AN-P-053Amperometric detection for the determination of catecholamines in pharmaceutical products
Traditionally, catecholamines are separated using reversed-phase chromatography followed by amperometric detection. This Application Note describes the determination of catecholamines in an emergency medication for life-threatening allergic reactions.
- AN-PAN-1065Inline monitoring of cell cultures with Raman spectroscopy
This Process Application Note presents a method to accurately monitor lactic acid and glucose inside a bioreactor in «real-time» with the 2060 Raman Analyzer from Metrohm Process Analytics.
- AN-RS-006Differentiation between isopropyl alcohol from various manufacturers
This Application Note shows the rapid, non-destructive identification of isopropyl alcohol from two manufacturers using Raman spectroscopy following the creation of a suitable library. The measurements with the hand-held Raman spectrometer Mira M-1 require no sample preparation and provide immediate results that identify the samples unambiguously.
- AN-S-047Bromide and sulfate in a pharmaceutical product
Determination of bromide and sulfate using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-059Acetate, chloride, phosphate, and succinate in an infusion solution
Determination of acetate, chloride, phosphate, and succinate in an infusion solution using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-103Five anions in water for infusion solutions
Determination of chloride, nitrite, bromide, nitrate, and sulfate in water for infusion solution production using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression.
- AN-S-119Acetate, chloride, sulfate, and citrate in a pharmaceutical product
Determination of acetate, chloride, sulfate, and citrate in a pharmaceutical product using anion chromatography with conductivity detection after chemical suppression and dialysis for sample preparation.
- AN-S-292Determination of sulfate in nadroparin
Nadroparin is a low-molecular-weight heparin used as a anticoagulant to prevent thrombosis. The determination of sulfate in the sulfur-containing anticoagulant is performed to control the degradation of the product. Thanks to the absence of interfering peaks close to sulfate, a short column could be used.
- AN-S-345β-glycerophosphate and L-malate in a pharmaceutical formulation
β-glycerophosphate and malate are determined in a pharmaceutical formulation. Excellent separation of β-glycerophosphate and malate from α-glycerophosphate and phosphate is possible with the aid of a carbonate eluent and the Metrosep A Supp 7 - 250/4.0 column.
- AN-S-374Fluoride Identification and Assay in «Sodium Fluoride Oral Solution» by Ion Chromatography as per USP
Fluoride is commonly used in dental products to help prevent tooth decay. If the products are intended to prevent the formation of cavities (carries), then it is regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) as an Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drug. Previously, the assay of Fluoride in oral solution was done by Ion selective electrode and identification was done by tedious wet chemistry method. USP has updated this monograph for Assay and identification tests with Ion Chromatography using L46 packing. The Metrosep A Supp 1 - 250/4.6 column fulfills all USP acceptance criteria. It therefore is a viable alternative separation column for the determination of sodium fluoride in oral solutions.
- AN-S-375Fluoride in sodium fluoride for pharmaceutical use
Dental care products often contain sodium fluoride as an active ingredient. Manufacturers use the United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary (USP-NF) Monograph «Sodium Fluoride» to quantify sodium fluoride and its anionic contaminants chloride and acetate in these products. The validated USP method proposes ion chromatography (IC) with suppressed conductivity detection to carry out the fluoride assay as well as the impurity determination in a single chromatogram.
- AN-S-376Fluoride in sodium fluoride gel for pharmaceutical use
Sodium fluoride gel for pharmaceutical use needs to comply with USP requirements. The actual monograph (USP 42) uses two different methods for the identification and the assay. Ion chromatography allows the analysis of these two parameters in one single determination. In the course of the USP monograph modernization, this ion chromatographic approach makes this type of analysis even easier.
- AN-S-385Fluoride in stannous fluoride gel for pharmaceutical use
Stannous fluoride gel for pharmaceutical use needs to comply with USP requirements. The actual monograph (USP 42) utilizes two different methods for the identification and the assay. Ion chromatography allows the analysis of these two parameters within a single determination. In the course of the USP monograph modernization, this ion chromatographic approach makes this type of analysis even easier.
- AN-S-386Fluoride in sodium fluoride and phosphoric acid gel for pharmaceutical use
Sodium fluoride and phosphoric acid gel for pharmaceutical use need to comply with USP requirements. The actual monograph (USP 42) uses two different methods for the identification and the assay. Ion chromatography allows the measurement of these two parameters within a single determination. In the course of the USP monograph modernization, this ion chromatographic approach makes this type of analysis even easier.