- 8.000.6026Determination of the water content in tablets by automated Karl Fischer titration
The water content of tablets determines the release of their active ingredients as well as their chemical, physical, microbial and shelf-life properties. Accordingly, the water content is of crucial importance and has to be accurately determined. This paper describes the straightforward determination of the water content using automated volumetric Karl Fischer titration (KFT). Tedious sample preparation steps are eliminated by using a high-frequency homogenizer that additionally serves as a stirrer. Prior to titration, the homogenizer comminutes the tablets directly in the KF solution. As the comminution process takes place directly in the hermetically sealed titration vessels, interference from atmospheric humidity does not occur. Even after 24 h in the vessels, the moisture content of four different tablet type samples was within 93…108% of the initially determined values. With a coefficient of determination of 0.99993 the KF method is highly linear for water amounts between 4 and 215 mg. For all investigated tablet types, KFT provides results that lie within the range expected by the manufacturer.
- 8.000.6030Automated water determination in chocolate
For a variety of reasons, the water content of chocolate is of crucial importance and has to be accurately determined. This poster compares an automated version of the Karl Fischer titration (KFT) using the sequential addition of various solvents with the widespread manual titration at elevated temperatures using a chloroform/methanol mixture. The water contents determined by the two procedures show excellent agreement. However, manual titration requires laborintensive sample preparation, the side reactions are difficult to quantify and hazardous halogenated solvents have to be used. In contrast, automated KFT is straightforward, uses non-hazardous solvents, allows to quantify the side reactions and is easily applicable to water determinations in sugar- and fat-containing matrices.
- 8.000.6062Water determination in various plastics
The presence of excessive water in plastics adversely affects the performance of polymeric goods which is why water determination is of crucial importance. This article describes the accurate and straightforward determination of the water content using the Karl Fischer Oven Method in ten different plastic types that are not amenable to direct Karl Fischer titration. The experiments revealed that besides the determination of the oven temperature, sample preparation is one of the most important steps of the analysis, especially in case of hygroscopic plastic samples.
- 8.000.6077Determining the water content in biodiesel by Karl Fischer titration as per EN ISO 12937
This poster describes the water determination in different biodiesel samples via direct coulometric titration, the Karl Fischer oven method and an automated KF pipetting system.
- 8.000.6078Water determination in pharmaceuticals using an automated Karl Fischer Oven Technique
The poster describes the water determination in pharmaceuticals using the Karl Fischer oven technique.
- 8.000.6079Automated Karl Fischer titration for liquid samples using edible oils as an example
The poster describes the development of an automated Karl Fischer method for determining the water content in different edible oils.
- 8.000.6089Automated sample measurement in Karl Fischer titration
This poster describes a method for automated and precise dosing of liquid samples into the Karl Fischer titration cell using Metrohm Dosino liquid handling technology. First, the titer was automatically determined with ultrapure water. The same dosing procedure proved valuable for the automated water determination in highly viscous water-glycol fluids and low-boiling organic solvents such as n-pentane. Lastly, the method copes with the labor-intensive and human error-prone suitability test stipulated in chapter 2.5.12 in the European Pharmacopoeia.
- 8.000.6108Comparative Study of Moisture Analysis Techniques on Cannabis
Moisture in cannabis impacts potency and must be accurately determined. Loss on drying (LOD) is the most popular method for determining moisture in cannabis. Unfortunately, this technique is not specific to moisture and the loss of any volatile components, such as terpenes, will be incorrectly classified as moisture. Karl Fischer (KF) titration is the only chemically specific test for moisture. This poster describes the instrument used to determine moisture content by Karl Fischer titration and compares the results of this data to loss on drying.
- AB-077Volumetric water content determination according to Karl Fischer – Tips and tricks for volumetric Karl Fischer titration
This Application Bulletin gives an overview of the volumetric water content determination according to Karl Fischer. Amongst others, it describes the handling of electrodes, samples, and water standards. The described procedures and parameters comply with the ASTM E203.
- AB-137Coulometric water content determination according to Karl Fischer
This Application Bulletin gives an overview of the coulometric water content determination according to Karl Fischer.Amongst others, it describes the handling of electrodes, samples, and water standards. The described procedures and parameters comply with the ASTM E1064.