- 8.000.6059Determination of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment
The Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive 2002/95/EC stipulates maximum limits for the hazardous metals cadmium, lead and mercury as well as the hexavalent chromium and the brominated flame retardants in electrical and electronic products. To ensure compliance, reliable analysis methods are required.This poster deals with the wet-chemical determination of trace concentrations of the six RoHS-restricted substances in a wide variety of materials including metals, electrotechnical components, plastics and wires. After sample preparation according to IEC 62321, the metals lead, cadmium and mercury are best determined by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) and the flame retardants PBB and PBDE are quantified by direct-injection ion chromatography (IC) using spectrophotometric detection. Chromium(VI) can be determined either by adsorptive stripping voltammetry (AdSV) or IC. Both methods are very sensitive and meet prescribed RoHS limits.
- 8.000.6084Spectroelectrochemical analysis of a N-aryl-D2-pyrazoline derivative
By combining the information from electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques, UV/VIS spectroelectrochemistry (UV/VIS-SEC) allows a comprehensive analysis of electron-transfer processes and complex redox reactions. The anodic oxidation of a N-aryl-D2-pyrazoline derivative was investigated by combining cyclic voltammetry and UV/VIS spectroscopy. In-situ measured UV/VIS absorbance depicted the absorption changes that accompanied the anodic oxidation and could therewith prove the stability of the electrogenerated radical cation. UV/VIS-SEC provides a powerful tool for the in situ study of shorter-lived species, reaction mechanims, and kinetics in a wide variety of electrochemical active organic, inorganic, and biological molecules.
- AB-057Polarographic determination of nicotine
The quantitative determination of the alkaloid nicotine, which is an essential constituent of the tobacco plant, can be carried out by polarography. The quantification limit is less than 0.1 mg/L in the polarographic vessel.
- AB-073Polarographic analysis – half-wave potentials of organic substances
This Bulletin is a supplement to Application Bulletin no. 36 (Half-wave potentials of inorganic substances) in the sense that the half-wave potentials of 100 different organic substances are listed. At the same time the supporting electrolytes used and the limits of determination are given.The various substances are listed in alphabetical order. The most important polarographically active functional groups are taken into consideration. This means that substances for related structures can also be determined polarographically in the same or similar supporting electrolytes, although they may not appear in the list.Unless otherwise stated, the half-wave potentials refer to a temperature of 20 °C, and the potentials are given in volts, measured with a sat. KCI-Ag/AgCl electrode assembly.The determination limits give the smallest concentrations which can be measured without risking serious errors in the results. In all cases, the limit of detection lies below the limit of determination.
- AB-136Polarographic determination of styrene in polystyrene and copolymers
This Application Bulletin describes a simple polarographic method to determine monomeric styrene in polymers. The limit of determination lies at 5 mg/L. Before the determination, styrene is converted to the electrochemically active pseudonitrosite using sodium nitrite.
- AB-190Determination of 4-carboxybenzaldehyde in terephthalic acid by polarography
4-Carboxybenzaldehyde, in the following referred to as 4-CBA, can be reduced directly at the dropping mercury electrode (DME) in an ammoniacal solution. After a very simple sample preparation it is now possible to determine the concentration of 4-CBA in terephthalic acid quickly and precisely by polarography down to the lower ppm range.
- AB-213Determination of nicotinamide by polarography
This Application Bulletins describes the determination of nicotinamide (vitamin PP), a vitamin of the B series. Instructions for the determination in solutions (e.g. fruit juice), vitamin capsules and multivitamin tablets are given. The linearity range of the determination is also specified. The limit of detection is approximately 50 μg/L nicotinamide.
- AB-215Determination of folic acid by polarography
This Application Bulletin describes the polarographic determination of folic acid, a vitamin of the B series, also known as vitamin B9 or vitamin BC. Instructions for the determination in solutions (e.g. fruit juice), vitamin capsules and multivitamin tablets are given. The linear range of the determination is also specified. The limit of detection is approx. 75 µg/L folic acid.
- AB-218Determination of thiamine (vitamin B1) by polarography
This Application Bulletins describes the polarographic determination of thiamine (vitamin B1). The procedure allows an analysis in monovitamin preparations. The linear range of the determination is also given. The limit of detection is approx. 50 µg/L thiamine.
- AB-219Determination of riboflavin (vitamin B2) by polarography
This Application Bulletin describes the polarographic determination of riboflavin (vitamin B2). The procedure allows an analysis in monovitamin preparations. The limit of determination is approx. 100 μg/L.