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780/781 pH/ion meters
780/781 pH/ion meters

780/781 pH/ion meters

The instruments of choice for pH, ORP, and ion concentration measurements.


The tried-and-tested 780 pH Meter and the 781 pH/Ion Meter offer everything you need for benchtop pH and ion measurements. The instruments are capable of measuring pH, ion, voltage, and temperature. In addition, they also offer automatic stirrer control and multipoint calibration.

  • Built-in quality assurance for reliable results at all times
  • Internal method memory for frequently used methods
  • Connections for dosing devices for automatic standard additions, stirrer control, POS printers, and more

Brochure: 780 pH-Meter + 781 pH/Ion Meter (8.780.5001, PDF, 1.6 MB)


Clear results, convenient features


Reading the results from these meters is easy, thanks to the large LCD display. To make your life easier, the instruments have a method memory, so you don’t have to enter the same measurement parameters every time.

Quality results and complete records

To make sure that you can trust your results, the 780 pH Meter and the 781 pH/Ion Meter offer a GLP-compliant electrode test.

Additional functions, such as reminders for calibration and service intervals, give you confidence that your pH or Ion Meter is always delivering the best results.

User identification adds an extra level of security, as you can always find out in retrospect who performed which determination and at what time.

Easy interfacing: Add stirrers, dosing devices, printers, and more

781 pH/Ion Meter, Magnetic Stirrer 801 Stirrer, 765 Dosimat and printer, ISE result on display

The pH and pH/Ion Meters are equipped with MSB (Metrohm Serial Bus) ports via which you can connect various accessories. In addition, a bidirectional RS232 (DB9) port can be used to hook up a PC or printer. This allows you to integrate, for example, a stirrer that is directly controlled by the pH or pH/ion meter, a Dosimat, e.g., for automatic standard additions, POS printers that you can use to print GLP-compliant reports, or computer keyboards and barcode scanners for entering sample identifications.


Which meter fits your requirements?

Talk to your Metrohm representative and learn about the best solution for your needs!

Determining dissolved oxygen in water: Titration or direct measurement?

Download the white paper

In this white paper, two different methods for the analysis of dissolved oxygen, titration and direct measurement, are compared and contrasted to help analysts determine which method is more suitable for their specific applications.

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