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Water in expandable polystyrene – Oven system with closed sample vials simplifies analysis


The presence of water in expandable polystyrene (EPS) can have a negative impact on the thermal insulation properties, as it increases thermal conductivity. If EPS is exposed to a high moisture environment, additional water may be absorbed, which can further affect thermal insulation.

Direct analysis of the moisture content by Karl Fischer titration requires the water to be extracted from the EPS, which involves several time-consuming steps. Therefore, determination of the water content with an oven system is preferred. As EPS expands when heated, the use of sample boats, as required by ASTM D6869, is not possible, as the EPS will contaminate the oven system. This Application Note describes the determination of water content in EPS using an oven system with closed sample vials. A determination takes about 7 to 14 min depending on the water content of the sample and the sample size.


Metrohm Nederland

Bijdorpplein 13-15
2992 LB Barendrecht
