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Simplified analysis of dairy products with Metrohm Inline Dialysis


Nearly any analysis of food products requires some kind of sample preparation to remove particles, fat, proteins, and more from the matrix to guarantee data reliability and long-term instrumental performance. Most of these practices are carried out manually and offline, accounting for a significant amount of laboratory work and operating costs, and have the potential to impact the analysis due to human error.

To overcome these issues, innovative automated inline procedures were developed by Metrohm and established in the market: Metrohm Inline Sample Preparation techniques (MISP). Metrohm Inline Ultrafiltration and Inline Dialysis are reliable approaches for separating analytes from undesirable matrix components, therefore protecting the analytical system and the separation column from damages and blockages.

This White Paper compares automated Inline Ultrafiltration and Inline Dialysis to the traditional Carrez clarification procedure. A continuous test series over approximately six months proved Inline Dialysis to be a reliable and valuable alternative to treat dairy products prior to analysis.

Simplified analysis of dairy products with Metrohm Inline Dialysis

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This White Paper compares automated Inline Ultrafiltration and Inline Dialysis to the traditional Carrez clarification procedure for the analysis of milk samples by ion chromatography (IC). A continuous test series over approximately six months proved Inline Dialysis to be a reliable and valuable alternative to treat dairy products prior to IC analysis.