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Combustion Module (Oven + LPG/GSS, AJ)

Combustion Module (Oven + LPG/GSS, AJ)


  • Feature overview

The Combustion Module (Oven + LPG/GSS, AJ) enables sample digestion during the pyrolysis of liquefied gases and gases under pressure. The Combustion Module (Oven + LPG/GSS, AJ) is comprised of the combustion oven and the LPG/GSS module. Both are products of Analytik Jena which have been optimized specially for coupling with ion chromatographs.

Get to know Combustion Module (Oven + LPG/GSS, AJ)

Brochure: Metrohm Inline Sample Preparation – IC analyses as simple as possible

Brochure: Metrohm Inline Sample Preparation – IC analyses as simple as possible

Release Notes 940 Devices 5.940.0101

Release Notes 940 Devices 5.940.0101


Hyphenated techniques

Extending the scope of ion chromatography: sophisticated sampling, sensitive detection, or multi-parameter analysis.