- 8.000.6022Automated preparation of surrogate mixtures for the determination of octane and cetane numbers
Commercially available fuels are complex mixtures of hundreds of different hydrocarbons. For the calibration of the test engines or advanced experimental and computational research they are modeled by means of multicomponent surrogate mixtures that adequately represent the desired physical and chemical characteristics. By definition, every octane and cetane number corresponds to a specific mixing ratio of primary reference fuels (PRFs). Based on this information, the tiamoTM controlled automatic dosing device prepares the surrogate mixtures. The setup drastically minimizes time-consuming and error-prone manual preparation steps and the contact with hazardous solvents. Additionally, precise and accurate results are displayed on customizable reports that fully comply with all current GLP and GMP requirements.
- AB-064Platinization of platinum electrodes and conductivity measuring cells
It is a comparatively easy matter to coat platinum electrodes with platinum black by electrolytic deposition of the metal from a platinizing solution.
- AB-073Polarographic analysis – half-wave potentials of organic substances
This Bulletin is a supplement to Application Bulletin no. 36 (Half-wave potentials of inorganic substances) in the sense that the half-wave potentials of 100 different organic substances are listed. At the same time the supporting electrolytes used and the limits of determination are given.The various substances are listed in alphabetical order. The most important polarographically active functional groups are taken into consideration. This means that substances for related structures can also be determined polarographically in the same or similar supporting electrolytes, although they may not appear in the list.Unless otherwise stated, the half-wave potentials refer to a temperature of 20 °C, and the potentials are given in volts, measured with a sat. KCI-Ag/AgCl electrode assembly.The determination limits give the smallest concentrations which can be measured without risking serious errors in the results. In all cases, the limit of detection lies below the limit of determination.
- AB-409Analysis of chemicals using near-infrared spectroscopy
The present Application Bulletin contains NIR applications and feasibility studies for NIRSystems devices in the chemical industry. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of a wide variety of samples are part of this bulletin. Each application describes the instrument that was originally used for the analysis, as well as the system recommended for the analysis and the results that were achieved thereby.
- AB-413Textile analysis using near-infrared spectroscopy
The present Application Bulletin describes applications that use near-infrared spectroscopy. Each application describes the used and alternatively deployable spectrometer as well as analysis conditions and results and, where available, information on feasibility studies.
- AB-435Connection of the Eco Titrator to the PC
Eco Titrators provide the capability to send PC/LIMS reports directly to a PC. This feature is mainly used to transfer data to an external LIMS system or to simply store the data in a digitally on the PC. Additionally, it is possible to control the Eco Titrator by RS232 commands if the connection is set up according to the procedure described below.The data transfer from the Eco Titrator to a PC can be done by a software- or a hardware-based option. Additional accessories are needed for the hardware-based option whereas for the software-based option two additional softwares must be installed. Both solutions are described in this document.
- AN-BAT-010Investigation of the Solid Electrolyte Interface Structure and Kinetics.
This application note presents the experimental details and an overview of the most important findings from the EIS and CV experiment to study the structure of a model solid electrolyte interface forming on a planar glassy carbon electrode in contact with a typical organic battery electrolyte.
- AN-COR-018Evaluation of organic coatings on metals using Autolab PGSTAT based on ISO 17463 – Paints and Varnishes
The International Standard ISO 17463 describes the determination of the anticorrosive properties of high impedance organic protective coatings on metals. This technique uses cycles composed of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements, cathodic polarizations and potential relaxation. This application note shows the compliance of the Metrohm Autolab PGSTAT M204 and flat cell with the standard ISO 17463.
- AN-EC-017Cyclic Voltammetry and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy measurements carried out with the Microcell HCsetup – the TSC SW Closed and the TSC Battery cells
The TSC SW Closed and TSC Battery cells are compact systems designed for measurements on air or moisture-sensitive materials, such as those used in batteries. In this document, two testing procedures are explained. The first procedure is withpotentiostatic cyclic voltammetry (CV), while the second is via electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).
- AN-EC-019How to use a convolution method in voltammetric analysis
Convolution voltammetry consists essentially of a voltammetric, chronoamperometric, or chronocoulometric experiment followed by a mathematical transformation - convolution. Using a convolution method, the effect of the decrease of the concentration gradient can be eliminated from the total response of the electrode. This application note explains how the convolution in NOVA works.
- AN-FET-001Characterization and performance studies of field-effect transistors (FETs) using μStat-i 400
In recent years, field-effect transistors (FETs) have become more commonly used as a sensing platform for a multitude of electrochemical and biological applications. These devices are promising bioelectronic transducers that allow both low-potential operation and stable potentiometric measurements. FETs are now seen as an attractive alternative to using conventional electrochemical detection systems in the scientific community. This Application Note gives in-depth guidance about how to operate Metrohm DropSens bipotentiostat devices for the characterization of FETs and their use as transducers. A single μStat-i 400 device, a small and portable bipotentiostat and galvanostat, is used to demonstrate the experiments.
- AN-H-011Determination of the total solids content of drilling fluids
Thermometric titration is presented as a simple, fast, and reliable method to determine calcium content in various drilling fluids.
- AN-H-131Determination of titer and blank value for thermometric titrations using tiamo™
This Application Note describes in detail how to determine the blank value and the titer for thermometric titrations using tiamo™.
- AN-NIR-012Increase the accuracy of your NIR measurements with instrument calibration
This Application Note describes how the accuracy of your NIR measurements can be increased with instrument calibration.
- AN-NIR-013Increase the accuracy of your NIR measurements with reference standards
This Application Note describes how the accuracy of your NIR measurements can be increased with reference standards.
- AN-NIR-022Quality Control of Gasoline
In recent years, there has been a significant push to reduce the environmental impacts of fuels through improvements to fuel quality. The determination of key quality parameters of gasoline, namely research octane number (RON, ASTM D2699-19), motor octane number (MON, ASTM D2700-19), anti knock index (AKI), aromatic content (ASTM D5769-15), and density, conventionally requires several different analytical methods, which are laborious and need trained personnel. This application note demonstrates that the XDS RapidLiquid Analyzer, operating in the visible and near-infrared spectral region (Vis-NIR), provides a cost-efficient and fast solution for the multiparameter analysis of gasoline.
- AN-NIR-023Quality Control of PET
Determination of the diethylene glycol content, isophthalic acid content, intrinsic viscosity (ASTM D4603), and the acid number (AN) of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a lengthy and challenging process due to the sample’s limited solubility and the need to use different analytical methods. This application note demonstrates that the DS2500 Solid Analyzer operating in the visible and near-infrared spectral region (Vis-NIR) provides a cost-efficient and fast solution for a simultaneous determination of these parameters in PET. Vis-NIR spectroscopy allows for the analysis of PET in less than one minute without sample preparation or using any chemical reagents.
- AN-NIR-024Quality control of pyrolysis gasoline
Pyrolysis gasoline (Pygas) is a by-product of ethylene production, which contains unwanted conjugated diolefins making it unsuitable as a motor fuel. To overcome this limitation, the olefin content needs to be reduced below 2 mg/g pygas in a selective hydrogenation unit (SHU). The diene value, or maleic anhydride value (MAV), is usually determined by the lengthy Diels-Alder wet chemical method (UOP326-17), requiring highly trained analysts. In contrast to the primary method, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a cost-efficient and fast analytic solution for the determination of diene value in pyrolysis gasoline.
- AN-NIR-025Real-time inline predictions of jet fuel properties by NIRS
This Application Note describes the determination of various indices (mainly with ASTM and ISO conformance) for the characterization of kerosene as aviation turbine fuel using near-infrared spectroscopy. The following parameters were determined with the aid of an NIRS XDS Process Analyzer: degree of density in accordance with the American Petroleum Institute (API), aromatics content, Cetane Index, distillation characteristics pursuant to ASTM D86, flash point, freezing point, viscosity and hydrogen content. All of these parameters are determined quickly and easily with just a single measurement.
- AN-NIR-032Determination of the cotton linter and pulp content in cellulose
This Application Note shows the determination of the ratio of cotton linter to pulp in cellulose samples with Vis-NIR spectroscopy. This linter-pulp ratio is an important characteristic in the paper industry which, unlike with elaborate wet-chemistry methods, can be determined quickly and conveniently with Vis-NIR spectroscopy.
- AN-NIR-037Determination of polymorphous sulfathiazoles by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
Sulfathiazoles are sulfonamides with antibiotic effect that occur in various polymorphous forms and that are often used in veterinary medicine. This Application Note shows the differentiation between commercial and sulfathiazole form I using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) with the help of the overtone frequencies of N-H stretching vibration. Form I is the least stable polymorphous form. Crystallization and polymorphism must be monitored as part of quality controls. In this, NIRS is considerably more rapid and more reliable than conventional laboratory methods.
- AN-NIR-038Rapid determination of biochemical methane potential with NIR
This Application Note shows that the NIR solution based on the combination of Metrohm NIRS DS2500 analyzer and "Ondalys Flash BMP®" prediction model enable a time-saving and efficient determination of the BMP of various substrates that are used with anaerobic fermentation during biogas production. In contrast to the standard procedure, the results become available within just a few minutes. It is for that reason that this solution offers an alternative option for the optimization of anaerobic fermentation and thus the methane yields.
- AN-NIR-039Multi-parameter analysis of wood pulp using Vis-NIR spectroscopy
In this Application Note, Vis-NIR spectroscopy (Vis-NIRS) is used to determine six wood pulp properties in a single measurement: kappa number, applied density, freeness, breaking strength, buckling strength and tensile strength.
- AN-NIR-044Multiparameter Quality Control of Palm Oil with NIR Spectroscopy
Determination of key quality parameters of palm oil, namely free fatty acids (FFA), iodine value (IV), moisture content, deterioration of bleachability index (DOBI), and carotene require the use of several different analytical methods, which are laborious and can lack in accuracy. This application note demonstrates that the XDS RapidLiquid Analyzer operating in the visible and near infrared spectral region (Vis-NIR) provides a cost-efficient and fast solution for the determination of these quality control parameters in palm oil. With no sample preparation or chemicals needed, Vis-NIR spectroscopy allows for the analysis of palm oil in less than a minute and can be used by anyone.
- AN-NIR-046Qualification of droplet morphology in hair conditioner by Vis-NIR spectroscopy
Vis-NIR spectroscopy is used to determine the droplet morphology in hair conditioner. This Application Note shows that near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy can be used to distinguish between unprocessed and processed hair conditioner and to qualify quality parameters such as the droplet size.
- AN-NIR-047Quality control of an active ingredient in hair creams using near-infrared spectroscopy
Visible Near-infrared (Vis-NIR) spectroscopy is a valuable chemical analysis tool that can be used to determine quality parameters of hair creams. A qualitative method was developed in order to allow a fast out-of-spec analyses of an active antibacterial ingredient.
- AN-NIR-048Quality control of an active ingredient in hair spray using near-infrared spectroscopy
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used as an analysis method for quality control of hair spray samples. A model for an active ingredient within hair sprays was developed, enabling fast and reliable out-of-specification analyses.
- AN-NIR-075Naphtha in soil by Vis-NIR spectroscopy – A straightforward solution for testing laboratories Naphtha
Naphtha is the first petroleum product during the distillation process of crude oil or coal tar. It is primarily used as a base material for the production of gasoline or as a solvent. Accidental spills occur regularly at many locations throughout the world, leading to soil contamination.Investigation of contaminated sites is usually performed using gas chromatography, for which the soil sample has to be frozen, grinded, and subsequently extracted prior to the analysis. Using Visible-Near Infrared Spectroscopy such sample preparation steps are not necessary at all, making this method a viable, fast, and simple to use alternative.
- AN-NIR-076Quality control of polyvinyl alcohol
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a linear polymer, used in a variety of medical products (e.g. eye drops). Here, the degree of alcoholysis is an important index for the water solubility, viscosity, and adhesion of the product. The degree of alcoholysis is defined as the percentage of hydroxyl functional groups compared to the total functional groups accessible in the molecule. Conventional alcoholysis determination can take up to six hours per sample. Compared to the primary method, analysis with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) only takes one minute. The following application note describes the determination of the degree of alcoholysis by NIRS.
- AN-NIR-080Quality Control of Diesel
The cetane index (ASTM D613), flash point (ASTM D56), cold filter plug point (CFPP) (ASTM D6371), D95 (ISO 3405), and viscosity at 40°C (ISO 3104) are key parameters to determine for diesel quality. The primary test methods are labor intensive and challenging due to the need to use different analytical methods. This application note demonstrates that the NIRS XDS RapidLiquid Analyzer provides a cost-efficient and fast solution (under 1 minute) for the simultaneous determination of these key parameters in diesel.
- AN-NIR-089Quality Control of Laminates
In the semiconductor industry, thermoset resins combined with fabric or paper are used as an intermediate layer between substrates of printed circuit boards (PCB). These polymer-based sheets (laminates) are chosen depending on thickness and their thermomechanical and electrical characteristics. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a fast, non-destructive and easy-to-use analytical method which allows the measurement of multiple key quality parameters in less than a minute. The following Application Note describes the determination of the transition time of PCB laminates by NIRS, a parameter correlating with the thickness, glass transition temperature, and tensile strength of the material.
- AN-NIR-092Quality Control of PVC foils
PVC (polyvinyl chloride) foils with a PVDC (polyvinylidene chloride) coating are often used for high performance packaging films like pharmaceutical blister packs or in food packaging. In multi-layer blister films, the PVC serves as the thermoformable backbone structure, whereas the PVDC coating acts as a barrier against moisture and oxygen. The Water Vapor Transmission Rate (WVTR) and Oxygen Transmission Rate (OTR) are influenced by the composition and the thickness of the coating. A fast way to monitor PVDC coating thickness is with near-infrared spectroscopy. Results are provided in a few seconds, indicating when adjustments in the polymer production process are necessary.
- AN-NIR-103Quality control of chocolate bars by near-infrared spectroscopy
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a fast, chemical-free analysis method for various quality parameters of chocolate bars without sample preparation. The NIRS solution is easy to use and can be used atline or in a quality control lab.
- AN-NIR-114Determination of RON, aromatics, benzene, olefins, and density in reformate by NIRS
The determination of key quality parameters of reformate—namely research octane number (RON, ASTM D2699-19), aromatic content (ASTM D5769-15), benzene content, olefin content, and density—requires time-consuming and laborious conventional methods. In contrast, the Metrohm DS2500 Liquid Analyzer can measure all of these parameters, providing results within one minute without any sample preparation.
- AN-NIR-117Analysis of moisture, ash, carbon, and volatile content in coal by NIRS
Conventional methods used to analyze moisture, ash, fixed carbon, and volatile content in coal samples, are time consuming and costly. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is excellently suited to determine all parameters simultaneously in less than one minute without any sample preparation.
- AN-PV-004Charge Extraction Method to Study Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
This application note shows how it is possible with Metrohm Autolab PGSTATs and the Metrohm Autolab Optical Bench, to retrieve information about the mechanism and the kinetics of the back reaction, a side reaction which limits the performances of dye-sensitized solar cells.
- AN-PV-005LED Lights Calibration – Monochromatic LEDs
In this document, a procedure to calibrate the LED light of the Metrohm Autolab Optical Bench is presented. The procedure can be applied to the single-wavelength LED lights. Calibration is performed in order to relate the LED light intensity to the LED driver current. In this way, it is possible to correct the light intensity values when the distance between the solar cell under test and the LED light is changed. Additonally, the calibration allows the user to perform measurements on solar cells while specifying the light intensity values, instead of the LED driver current.
- AN-PV-006Using the Autolab Spectrophotometer for Calibration of the White LED Lights
This Application Note presents the procedure to determine the responsitivity value for calibrating the white lights of the Metrohm Autolab Optical Bench.
- AN-RA-009Comparison of SPELEC RAMAN and standard Raman microscopes
This Application Note compares SPELEC RAMAN and a standard Raman instrument by analyzing their performance in measuring single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT).
- AN-S-391Anions in diesel applying advanced Inline Matrix Elimination
Anions in diesel, especially biodiesel, may cause harmful deposits in the engine. Determination with ion chromatography requires the transfer of the diesel anions into an aqueous solution, injectable to the IC. A typical method to transfer the anions into water is via Inline Extraction with subsequent Inline Dialysis prior to the injection (see AN-C-101 for a respective analysis of cations). In the actual Matrix Elimination method, diesel diluted with isopropanol is injected into an isopropanol stream and passed through a preconcentration column. Isopropanol washes off the diesel, and a subsequent rinsing step with ultrapure water removes excess isopropanol.
- AN-S-392Sulfamic acid besides hydramine and other anions in chemical solutions
Sulfamic acid is a reasonably strong acid, used in descaling agents and for cleaning of dairy and brewing equipment. Here, a chemical solution is analyzed for sulfamate, chloride, nitrite, nitrate, and sulfate. As the solution can also contain hydramine, sufficient separation from the ions of interest is required.
- AN-T-158Determination of gallium using automatic photometric titration
Gallium is determined at a pH value of 4.7 using back titration with zinc sulfate. Xylenol orange is used as the indicator for visualization of the equivalence point. The equivalence point is determined with the Optrode at a wavelength of 610 nm.
- AN-T-176Iodine adsorption number of Carbon Black as per ASTM D1510 (Method B)
The iodine adsorption number (IAN) of carbon black is related to the surface area and can therefore be used for the characterization of carbon black. The presence of volatiles, surface porosity, or extractables will influence the iodine adsorption number. In this Application Note, the fully automated determination of the iodine adsorption number including sample preparation is described.
- AN-T-226Determination of functional groups in graphite and graphene oxide
Boehm titration is a quantitative analysis of functional groups on the surface of carbon materials based on their reactions with basic solutions of NaHCO3 (pKa = 6.4), Na2CO3 (pKa = 10.3), and NaOH (pKa = 15.7). This is a cost-efficient method that gives absolute values with high precision of the accessible, mainly oxygen-containing functional groups on the surface. Originally, Boehm titration was developed for carbon materials like conductive carbon black (CCB), activated carbon, porous carbon, and graphite. Modern carbon-based materials like graphene, graphene oxide (GO), or carbon nanotubes can also be analyzed this way.
- AN-V-205Determination of gallium in electrolyte solutions for production of CIGS solar cells
This Application Note describes the determination of gallium in electroplating baths used in the production of copper indium gallium diselenide thin-film solar cells (CIGS cells). The CIGS absorber layer is electrodeposited on a molybdenum-coated substrate. Gallium analysis using anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) is carried out after dilution of the sample with sulfuric acid as supporting electrolyte.
- EB-001Near-infrared spectroscopy for the analysis of petrochemicals
Improve petrochemical quality control with NIRS. Fast, cost-effective, and no sample prep needed. Learn more in our eBook.
- EB-002NIR spectroscopy: The efficiency boost for QC labs
Enhance quality control in material and chemical production with NIRS. Fast, cost-effective, and no sample prep needed. Learn more in our eBook.
- WP-046Overcoming the aqueous limitation at NIR Spectroelectrochemistry
NIR spectroscopy has been traditionally limited due to the water absorption in this spectral range. In this way, the well-known water restriction has limited the development of new applications for NIR spectroelectrochemistry. In this work, several interesting alternatives are proposed in order to minimize or even to remove the aqueous contribution in this spectral range.
- WP-048Utilizing online chemical analysis to optimize propylene oxide production
Propylene oxide (PO) is a major industrial product used in assorted industrial applications, mainly for the production of polyols (the building blocks for polyurethane plastics). Several production methods exist, with and without co-products. This white paper lays out opportunities to optimize PO production for safer and more efficient processes, higher quality products, and substantial time savings by using online process analysis instead of laboratory measurements.
- WP-054Boost efficiency in the QC laboratory: How NIRS helps reduce costs up to 90%
Underestimation of quality control (QC) processes is one of the major factors leading to internal and external product failure, which have been reported to cause a loss of turnover between 10–30%. As a result, many different norms are put in place to support manufacturers with their QC process. However, time to result and the associated costs for chemicals can be quite excessive, leading many companies to implement near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in their QC process. This paper illustrates the potential of NIRS and displays cost saving potentials up to 90%.