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2035 Process Analyzers

2035 Process Analyzers

Process analyzers available in potentiometric, photometric, and thermometric versions with optional additional pH and conductivity measurement.


The 2035 Process Analyzer is a versatile wet-chemical analyzer which comes in three basic configurations for potentiometric, photometric, and thermometric determinations.

The 2035 Process Analyzer is an integrated solution for 24/7 online monitoring of critical chemical parameters in industrial processes and wastewater streams.

  • Modular wet part means greater flexibility for applications
  • Additional measuring techniques can be integrated (pH, conductivity)
  • IP66/NEMA 4-rated: protection in harsh environments
  • Customizable, user-friendly interface with several security levels
  • Thermometric option for difficult, aggressive matrices
  • Remote control capability makes evaluating results and inspecting diagnostics easier

Brochure: 2035 Process Analyzer – Multi-purpose analyzer for the online monitoring of industrial processes and waste waters (8.000.5158, PDF, 1.58 MB)


Avoid out-of-specification readings in your process

Process analyzer for potentiometric, photometric, and thermometric wet chemical analysis

The 2035 Process Analyzers can be recalibrated to a more desirable range using the proven Metrohm auto-dilution technique: If a sample concentration falls outside the normal calibration range, it is automatically re-analyzed after an appropriate dilution factor is applied. Auto-calibration – specific to your analytical parameters – ensures that your results are always accurate.

The 2035 Process Analyzers comes in three basic configurations for potentiometric, photometric, and thermometric measurements. Any of these can be combined with additional measuring techniques such as pH and/or conductivity to optimize process efficiency.

Expand your plant automation with the ultimate flexible analyzer platform

Metrohm Process Analytics, 2060 Process Analyzer, chemical industry, Flexibility, Modularity, online analysis, process analyzer systems, petrochemical refinery

Measuring multiple parameters frequently and at the same time is essential to be part of Industry 4.0 in obtaining meaningful process data for smart automation. Metrohm Process Analyzers are well known for their modular configuration concept, and we have now taken that flexibility one step further. Whether you need to monitor chemical parameters in a single stream or in several streams, the 2060 Process Analyzers are designed to become an integral part of any sophisticated plant automation.

Learn more about the 2060 platform here


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Options and upgrades

Comprehensive options for sample conditioning

Metrohm Process Analytics can engineer and supply virtually any “unit operation” for sample conditioning and can provide a complete working solution for most industrial processes. Besides the chemical analysis, sample preparation, preconditioning and location of the analyzer are deciding factors for the success of online and atline analysis. We can provide a full solution for almost any application, an analyzer in combination with sample preparation or even a complete turnkey package with a shelter, piping, wiring, and interfacing. This allows for a seamless startup and integration of the analyzer on-site.

Learn more about our sampling conditioning systems

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From ammonia in saturated brine and fertilizers to zinc mining and purification –we've done it all. Our Applications Book gives a broad overview of applications sold in the past 40+ years to the process industry. With more than 10,000 process analyzers installed globally, you can be sure to find a solution to your challenge inside.

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