For countries not listed below, kindly contact Metrohm Middle East or write to
Bahrain: Yousuf Mahmood Husain W.L.L. P.O. Box: 23 Manama Phone: +973 1727 6176 Fax : +973 1727 5819 |
U.A.E.: Abu Dhabi (Oil Sector) Integrated Systems and Equipment 304, Suhail Al Mazroui Tower, Salam Street P.O. Box: 45381, Abu Dhabi Tel: +971 2 6741296 Fax: +971 2 6741297 |
Egypt: Safety Internation Center (SIC) 5 street #273, off Palestine St, New Maadi, Cairo, Egypt Phone: +202 2517 3990 Email: |