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Laboratory Raman software

Find the latest software version and release notes for our laboratory Raman spectrometers on this page. Click on a link below to directly jump to the software you are looking for.


BWSpec is the control, measurement, and data processing software for the i-Raman series and PTRam.

Current software version:

BWSpec 4.15.22


BWID is the control, measurement, and data processing software for the i-Raman series. The BWID Pharma software is compliant with 21 CFR Part 11 regulations.

Current software version:

BWID 2.04.17 standard

BWID 2.04.17 pharma


Misa Cal is the control, measurement, and data processing software solution for MISA spectrometers. Misa Cal allows full control of the instrument through the USB interface.

Current software version:

Misa Cal 1.1.2

Misa Cal M is a specially developed mobile app for control and operation of Misa spectrometers through Bluetooth. The GUI has been planned for simplicity and ease of use. It is also meant to leverage the power of modern smart phones for data sharing.

Download the Misa Cal M app using this QR code:
