- AN-PAN-1044Online trace analysis of amines in the alkaline water-steam circuit of power plants
Neutralizing amines are added to adjust pH levels within the water-steam circuit of power plants to avoid corrosion-inducing conditions. This preventive maintenance can reduce costly and critical downtimes due to corrosion, however frequent monitoring of the amine chemistry is necessary to ensure conditions stay optimal. The 2060 IC Process Analyzer featuring the Metrohm intelligent Partial Loop Technique (MiPT) option is ideal for this application, with the ability to measure trace amounts of the analytes precisely and reliably through an automated method. The benefit of using IC is that multiple analytes can be monitored simultaneously, and here the ability to measure the presence of sodium next to the high ammonium or amine concentrations could indicate that cooling water is seeping into the circuit, indicating a problem upstream.
- AN-S-372Analysis of Li-ion battery electrolytes with ion chromatography
Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery electrolyte quality is essential for performance, stability, and safety reasons. Ion chromatography is an accurate method for electrolyte analysis.
- AN-U-080Nitrite and nitrate in meat products
Nitrite and nitrate salts are used as preservatives for meat and meat products. Nitrate salts (labeled E 251 or E 252) have a low toxicity but long-term exposure is of concern, as the lower gut reduces them to nitrite, a precursor of nitrosamines (classified as carcinogenic). Nitrite itself is classified as probably carcinogenic to humans. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) lists the MPL (maximum permitted levels) after the manufacturing process for nitrite (labeled E 249 or E 250) as between 50–180 mg/kg, and for nitrate between 150–300 mg/kg, depending on the product. The European Commission (Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008) limits nitrate and nitrite salts in processed meat to less than 150 mg/kg. Ion chromatography with UV detection offers a robust and universal method for quality control of nitrite and nitrate in different meat matrices. Additional sample preparation techniques like Inline Ultrafiltration help to save time and costs as well as overcome analysis issues with difficult sample matrices.