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2060 RISE

2060 RISE


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2060 RISE is a 785nm inline Raman spectrometer designed for rapid, non-destructive analysis of various materials, including incoming raw materials, pharmaceutical APIs, and impurities. Its CMOS detector reduces noise and the need for cooling, while improving sensitivity, allowing detection of sensitive Raman signals.

2060 RISE is available in various configurations to suit different needs: the 2060 RISE for standard applications, the 2060 RISE-HT for high-temperature environments, the 2060 RISE-Ex for hazardous areas, and the 2060 RISE-Ex-HT for applications in both extreme heat and hazardous conditions.



Få mere at vide 2060 RISE

Brochure: 2060 RISE for Safety – A Raman Sensor to Safeguard Your Assets

Brochure: 2060 RISE for Safety – A Raman Sensor to Safeguard Your Assets

Brochure: 2060 Raman Intelligent SEnsor «RISE» – Unveiling Insights, Amplifying Precision

Brochure: 2060 Raman Intelligent SEnsor «RISE» – Unveiling Insights, Amplifying Precision

2060 RISE

An inline Raman spectroscopy sensor to elevate your process analysis