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Unitrode easyClean mit Pt1000 (fixed cable 1.2 m)

Unitrode easyClean mit Pt1000 (fixed cable 1.2 m)


  • Overblik over funktioner
  • Tekniske specifikationer

Combined pH electrode with easyClean diaphragm, integrated Pt1000 temperature sensor, and fixed cable (1.2 m). It is particularly suitable:

  • for pH measurements and titrations in difficult, viscous, or alkaline samples
  • at elevated temperatures
  • for long-term measurements

The easyClean diaphragm can be easily cleaned even in the case of heavily contaminating samples.

Reference electrolyte: c(KCl) = 3 mol/L, storage in storage solution.
Alternatively: reference electrolyte for measurements at T>80 °C: Idrolyte, storage in Idrolyte.

The Unitrode easyClean with Pt1000 is also available under the article number 6.0260.020 with a fixed cable length of 2.0 m.


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