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Determination of chromium by adsorptive stripping voltammetry at the Ultra Trace graphite RDE


The method describes the determination of Cr traces in a range between 1 ... 250 μg/L. The method is based on the adsorption of a Cr(lll)-diphenylcarbazonate complex on the Ultra Trace graphite rotating disk electrode (RDE). Organic compounds present in samples (e.g. natural waters) have a strong interfering effect. So they have to be removed by e.g. UV digestion. The determination is made by adsorptive stripping voltammetry in the DC (direct current) measuring mode. Purging with nitrogen is not necessary. The determinations work well also in high salt concentration solutions.


Metrohm Nordic ApS

Lyskær 3C. 1. th.
2730 Herlev


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