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Manipulace s kapalinami

Manipulace s kapalinami

Přístroje pro pokročilé manipulace s kapalinami v laboratoři.

Whatever your requirements – we have the right Liquid Handling solution for you

Find the liquid handling solution you need. Our portfolio of liquid handling instruments consists of intuitive standalone systems and more sophisticated dosing extensions.

Benefits of liquid handling

Different beakers for chemical analysis

Liquid handling aims at transferring a solution or reagent completely, accurately, and precisely from one place to another. Liquid handling systems are used in different laboratory settings, such as for titrations, voltammetric or ion chromatographic measurements, and for a wide range of applications and tasks, including dosing samples, supporting synthesis control or creating standards by mixing, pipetting, transferring, or diluting.

Liquid handling offers various benefits:

  • Improved reliability and precision of measurements
  • Better reproducibility of results
  • Reduced risk of human error
  • Automation options for increasing throughput

Automating sample preparation steps and routine laboratory workflows, such as manual pipetting or serial dilution, offers many advantages over manual liquid handling. Learn more about liquid handling automation in our on-demand webinar:

Webinar: Automated liquid handling for accurate and reproducible results

Metrohm – your expert for liquid handling

Eco Dosimat CNTD with person

Precise dosing of a specific volume of a liquid is crucial for accurate results. With Metrohm, you can rely on Swiss quality and precision. Since our founding in 1943, we have developed into a trusted provider of consistent high-quality and robust instruments for reliable and precise chemical analysis.

From manual to semi-automated and fully-automated liquid handling workstations as well as liquid handling equipment, such as pipetting systems, get exactly what you need, including expert application and service support.

  • Get everything you need for your analyses from one provider
  • Rely on expert know-how wherever you are thanks to our global presence in over 80 countries

Learn more about Metrohm