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"ProfIC Vario 6 Cation" – Professional IC Vario system with Inline Dilution and Inline Ultrafiltration

"ProfIC Vario 6 Cation" – Professional IC Vario system with Inline Dilution and Inline Ultrafiltration

ProfIC Vario 6 Cation

  • Přehled vlastností
  • Technické specifikace

The Professional IC Vario system with Metrohm Inline Dilution, Metrohm Inline Ultrafiltration and conductivity detection enables fully automatic determination of cations or anions (non-suppressed) that are present in very high concentrations and that have matrices containing particles.

Typical areas of application:

  • Rinse, process, and waste water
  • Extractions and digestion solutions
  • Food samples


Schematic representation

Installation instructions

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