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"ProfIC Vario 6 AnCat" – Professional IC Vario system with Inline Dilution and Inline Ultrafiltration

"ProfIC Vario 6 AnCat" – Professional IC Vario system with Inline Dilution and Inline Ultrafiltration

ProfIC Vario 6 AnCat

  • Přehled vlastností
  • Technické specifikace

The Professional IC Vario system with Metrohm Inline Dilution, Metrohm Inline Ultrafiltration, sequential suppression, and conductivity detection enables fully automatic determination of anions and cations that are present in very high concentrations and that have matrices containing particles.

Typical areas of application:

  • Rinse, process, and waste water
  • Extractions and digestion solutions
  • Food samples


Schematic representation

Installation instructions

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