Metrosep A Supp 16 - 100/2.0
- Přehled vlastností
- Technické specifikace
- Chromatogram
In the case of the Microbore version of the Metrosep A Supp 16 - 100, lower flows are applied through the smaller inner diameter. Eluent consumption is reduced drastically as a result. The dwell time of the ions in the detector becomes longer and the sensitivity or the peak area (with the same sample quantity) is increased accordingly. The Microbore separation columns are used together with the MSM-LC. The 2 mm Metrosep A Supp 16 separation columns are packed with the same material as the corresponding 4 mm separation columns. The short version of this column type enables extremely rapid separations.
The column is well-suited to applications with a high ionic load but which require only relatively low resolution. With its low eluent flow, this column is particularly suitable for IC-MS coupling.
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